
Budweiser Budvar donates £410k to charity over packaging crime

An investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2022 found the company had failed to register as a packaging producer in 2004. The regulations require the company to take steps to ensure its waste is recovered and recycled.

Budweiser Budvar says it was unaware of the regulations until the agency intervened.

Following an investigation, the company donated £414,003.54 to Keep Britain Tidy for use in the Great British Spring Clean campaign. The sum was paid under a reactive enforcement undertaking – a legal agreement between the Environment Agency and an offender as an alternative to prosecution or another financial penalty.

Donation costs and legal fees

The amount donated to charity was based on the amount saved by Budweiser Budvar beer by not recycling or recovering packaging waste, plus a 30% penalty. The company was also ordered to pay the Environmental Protection Agency costs.

Jake Richardson of the Environment Agency said:In this case, we investigated the matter and found that(Budweiser Budvar) did not comply with legal requirements and consequently did not pay its share of the packaging recycling contribution.

“Once the company realised this, they wanted to do the right thing, so they made an Enforcement Undertaking Offer which guaranteed that all avoided recycling costs would be put towards a project that would enhance, restore and protect England’s natural environment.”

Full compliance

The Environmental Protection Agency said Budweiser Budvar beer is now fully compliant with packaging regulations and has put procedures in place to ensure future compliance.