
North Shore Food Access Farm Expands to Wenham

Local news

“There is room for anyone who cares to step in and make a difference,” said Three Sisters Executive Director Liz Green.

Lucy Toyama, co-farm manager, hangs garlic after harvest. Photo by Sandy Bemis Photo by Sandy Bemis

When most people think of a food pantry or drive, they think of canned goods, grains, and other items that don’t spoil for long.

They may not think about fresh produce. In fact, some people say you shouldn’t bother donating fresh produce to food banks and food pantries.

And that’s where Three Sisters comes in.

Food Access Farm is based in Ipswich, and their operations span the entire North Shore. Their mission is to provide access to fresh produce for “neighbors struggling with food insecurity,” according to their website. Three Sisters’ produce reaches more than 18 towns and communities in Essex County, according to a statement. More than 70 percent of the produce they grow goes to low-income and food-insecure neighbors. But executive director Liz Green recently said that’s a tall order.

“We’re seeing increased demand in the food banks and food pantries that we supply, and we’re also seeing people coming in needing food,” Green said. “It’s very heartbreaking to have to turn people away.”

About 34 percent of Massachusetts households faced food insecurity in 2023, according to a study by the Greater Boston Food Bank. Food insecurity in the Commonwealth is reaching levels not seen since the pandemic, according to Project Bread, a Massachusetts-based charity.

For Green, the increased demand for fresh food is more prevalent than ever. That’s why Three Sisters is expanding. They’ve entered into a five-year land deal with the town of Wenham that will give them a large new swath of designated farmland to grow their crops.

Liz Green, executive director, helps with fall garlic planting. Photo by Terri Unger – Photo by Terri Unger

“This additional farmland will help us grow more food for people who need it. We are very grateful to the Town of Wenham for their care of our farmland and their willingness to partner with us,” Green said in a statement Monday.

Three Sisters will begin planting in Wenham in spring 2025. Green says that can’t happen soon enough, explaining that visitors to the eatery don’t often have access to fresh produce, and the produce they do receive is often loaded with preservatives and chemicals.

“We just think that people who are trying to make ends meet deserve the freshest, best products,” she said. “If we care about people eating well, we think they deserve to eat good things.”

Green says they can do a lot more with this new land. But it’s not just about the land, Green said. It’s about engaging local communities.

“A lot of our neighbors are struggling,” she said. “Part of the solution is just showing up. There’s room for anyone who cares to jump in and make a difference. Everyone is on board with food insecurity. It’s overwhelming and it’s hard, but people can really make a difference.”