
I am not against e-commerce companies, I want them to be fair and just: Goyal

Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday said India is not against e-commerce companies but wants them to operate honestly and fairly.

In his speech, which came a day after he raised concerns about e-commerce companies, Goyal said online businesses must be given a “fair chance” to compete.

Goyal on Wednesday raised concerns about predatory pricing by e-commerce companies and feared the impact of their activities on small retailers in the country. He also made his concerns public, warning of “huge social disruption” due to the huge growth of the e-commerce sector.

“We are very clear that we want to invite FDI (foreign direct investment), we want to invite technology, we want to have the best of the world and we are not at all against the internet,” Goyal said at an event here.

“The country always wants fair play, fairness… to the customer, fairness to the provider of goods and services and also to give other people a fair chance to compete with this type of online business,” said the union minister, a member of parliament from Mumbai North constituency.

He said the e-commerce sector offers “huge benefits” such as speed and convenience, and made it clear that the government wants such companies to serve the country’s citizens.