
10 Questions Startups Should Answer Before Investors Ask » Dallas Innovates

So you have a great idea for a product. And you’ve done your homework on how it would fit into the market. Now you just need the funds to design, test, build, and launch it. A piece of cake, right?

Not quite. The path from concept to implementation is littered with “great ideas” that never received funding.

Jeff Francis, Founder of ENO8

During Dallas Startup Week 2024, Jeff Francis, founder ENO8used his experience and expertise to share his “top 10” tips for having an effective conversation with investors.

“Generally speaking, I think people know there are a few ways to fund their startup: bootstrapping, venture capital, and angels. But no matter who you talk to—seed, Series A, B, C, or D—investors are assessing the likelihood of a return. So as a founder, you have to do the groundwork to be sure how you plan to provide a return on your investment.”

Francis says the most impactful presentations anticipate potential questions and show that you’ve considered all aspects of your product or service, not just why it’s awesome. To do that, he suggests including the answers to those questions in your presentation or being prepared to answer them.

  1. Who are the end users? Who will buy this product, and is that something other than the end user?

  2. Why will users love (or not love) this product? What problem does it solve for users?

  3. What broader, revolutionary plan does this product fit into?

  4. What will be the most important distinguishing feature at launch?

  5. What will it look like? (You may not need a design prototype)

  6. How much will it cost to build? How long will it take to build?

  7. What kind of technology would it take to build it? Is it even feasible? (This isn’t necessarily a yes or no answer; technology is evolving rapidly.)

  8. What kind of team will it take to build this?

  9. Is there a launch/release plan yet?

  10. Is the product clear enough to start raising capital?

He added that DFW has a good network of angel investors, and while investors may understand that your idea is in the early stages, they will still want to know that you have considered these questions as best you can.

Voices contributor Nicole Ward is a data journalist at the Dallas Regional Chamber.

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