
Gaurav highlights non-functional registration software in Jammu and Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, August 24: Gaurav Gupta, former general secretary of Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has expressed serious concern over the non-functional registration software in the region.
In a statement today, Gaurav Gupta said that since January 2024, the software has not been working properly, causing considerable inconvenience to the public, especially those dealing in land and property transactions through power of attorney. He pointed out that over 1,500 people in Jammu, who have power of attorney in relation to land, have paid the required stamp duties, but their transactions are being held up. He explained that the software does not have the necessary provisions to reflect the attachment of stamp duties to the respective sale deeds, leading to delays in the registration processes.
Gaurav Gupta said that the aggrieved applicants have repeatedly raised the issue with the relevant authorities, including the Sub-Registrar, Inspector General of Registration (IGR) and Special Secretary, Revenue, but no effective resolution has been reached. “Despite numerous meetings, the matter remains unresolved, leaving people with no other option but to face continuous delays in property registration,” he said.
Gaurav Gupta urged the Lt Governor to intervene and ensure that necessary instructions are given to the relevant agencies dealing with the software. “The delay is causing concern to lakhs of citizens and I urge the administration to take immediate steps to streamline the registration process. Only then can we hope to resolve this long-standing issue and provide relief to the aggrieved public,” he added.