
Maryland’s Sun Bucks summer grocery assistance program reaches 583,000 low-income children

Maryland encourages eligible families to apply for the $120 benefit by the August 31 deadline.

This article was reprinted with permission from WTOP’s news partners at Maryland Matters. Sign up for a free Maryland Matters email subscription today.

A new summer nutrition program that one advocate called “groundbreaking” reached 586,734 children this summer, 43,000 more than state officials expected, according to the latest data from the Maryland Department of Human Services.

But officials say there is still time to sign up for the program, and they encourage families to do so before the Aug. 31 deadline to receive $120 in grocery assistance per child.

“Marylanders want to help fight childhood hunger,” Maryland Human Services Secretary Rafael J. Lopez said in a written statement. “Our Maryland SUN Bucks program represents the single largest investment Maryland has ever seen to help feed our children. We invite every eligible Maryland family to apply before August 31, 2024, to help families afford groceries this summer.”

Because Aug. 31 falls on a Saturday, the department said families will have until 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, to submit their applications.

The federally funded program aims to close the so-called summer hunger gap, when schools that provide free or low-cost meals to many children are closed. Through the Sun Bucks program, low-income and foster families can receive $120 per child to help cover the cost of groceries during the summer.

Aisha Holmes, director of No Kid Hungry Maryland, says Sun Bucks has been a “game changer” for families in the state, and she wants to make sure all eligible families have a chance to receive Sun Bucks financial support before time runs out at the end of the month.

“Families are hungrier in the summer than they are during the school year because kids have access to school meals, and in the summer those meals aren’t available,” Holmes said. “So it’s an opportunity to supplement their grocery budget in a way that’s not as much of a burden.”

In the 2023-2024 school year, fewer than 56% of Maryland’s 893,241 public school students were enrolled in free or reduced-price lunches, according to data from the Maryland State Department of Education.

Summer hunger is not a problem unique to Maryland.

The SUN Bucks program, also known as the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program, is one tool states can use to close this gap.

Maryland is one of 37 states and the District of Columbia that have opted into the new program for summer 2024, along with five territories and the Cherokee and Chickasaw tribes. The program is run by the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service.

Holmes said Sun Bucks, in partnership with other state programs and nonprofit efforts to provide food for children during the summer, “really helps close that gap during the summer.”

When Sun Bucks launched in June, Maryland officials predicted the program would distribute about $60 million in federal funds to help 543,000 children statewide. But as of this month, just over $71 million has been distributed to 586,734 children in the state, according to the Department of Human Services, with the potential to add more families.

“Our original estimates were based on federal data. We are thrilled to be serving 586,734 children,” according to a statement from the department.

“We have sought and received federal approval for a total estimated direct federal benefit to families of $71.04 million. This increased federal investment comes at no additional cost to Maryland,” the statement said. “We will have final numbers by the end of summer.”

The program cost the state about $5.8 million to implement, according to department records, but all benefit payments come directly from the federal government.

About 90% of eligible Maryland families were automatically enrolled in Sun Bucks because they were already participating in other benefit programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), free or reduced-price school meals programs, or Temporary Cash Assistance. For families who already use SNAP, the summer grocery funds are loaded onto their electronic SNAP benefit cards.

“We want to make sure they can go to the grocery store and stretch their own money,” Holmes said. “And it gives families direct access to a debit card that they can use at the grocery store and even at farmers markets and local fairs that accept them.”

Families that do not participate in these programs can still apply for Sun Bucks benefits if they meet the income criteria listed on the Department of Human Services website.

“So it’s totally worth it, and even if people don’t make it this year, they’ll still sign up for next year. So go and do it,” Holmes said.