
LG’s V2X Solution for Volkswagen Receives Security Stability Certificate

LG Electronics (LG)’s Vehicle to Everything (V2X) solution for Volkswagen has received the world’s first Common Criteria (CC) certification for security stability in the V2X device category.

The certification confirms LG’s leadership position in the global automotive components market and highlights the company’s advanced capabilities in vehicle cybersecurity, an area that is becoming increasingly important in the era of connected cars. The recipient of the new CC certification, the LG VW Transceiver Module, is a telematics component designed exclusively for the MQB platform specific to Volkswagen’s combustion engines. The CC certification, recognized worldwide as a security standard for IT products, means that the device provides comprehensive protection against unauthorized access or tampering. The module has also met the rigorous security standards set by the Spanish National Cryptology Center (CCN), achieving an Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 2+ rating.

V2X technology enables vehicles to communicate with systems, devices and technologies in their surroundings, including other vehicles (V2V), traffic infrastructure (V2I) and, via smartphones, pedestrians (V2P). Without robust security, V2X devices and networks can be compromised by hackers, potentially leading to traffic jams, accidents or data breaches. LG is actively addressing V2X security risks, ensuring that its advanced telematics components comply with increasingly stringent safety regulations in Europe, providing peace of mind for drivers and passengers.

5G Industrial Metaverse
5G Industrial Metaverse

LG is committed to meeting the highest standards of vehicle safety and will continue to deliver competitive automotive solutions that prioritize safety and reliability. After achieving CC certification for its transceiver module for Volkswagen’s MQB platform, LG plans to achieve the same for its V2X solution for Volkswagen’s MEB electric vehicle platform within the year.

In addition to achieving security certifications for its V2X solutions, LG is enhancing security across all areas of its automotive electronics business. In 2022, LG Vehicle Component Solutions (VS) Company received Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) certification, and in February last year, it received Cyber ​​Security Management System (CSMS) certification from TÜV Rheinland.

Eun Seok-hyun, president of LG Vehicle Component Solutions Company

By achieving CC certification for the safety of our V2X solution for Volkswagen, we have successfully demonstrated our excellent component technology and safety capabilities, which are key elements for success in the future mobility sector. LG will continue to strengthen its position in the global automotive aftermarket by providing innovative, safe solutions that ensure safer roads for all.