
July ethanol exports slump, 2024 pace remains strong


July ethanol exports slump, 2024 pace remains strong

US ethanol exports decreased from June to July.

The Renewable Fuels Association says ethanol exports of 136 million gallons fell 7% on the month, with notable declines for several key customers, including the United Kingdom, India, and the European Union. Canada took the top slot for the 40th consecutive month, while US ethanol remained locked out of Brazil due to import tariffs.

Exports of distillers dried grains with solubles were 1.09 million tons, an increase of 16% from June, with Mexico leading the pack for the seventh month in a row, followed by South Korea and the European Union.

For 2024 to date, US ethanol exports remain on a record pace at 1.1 billion gallons, 38% faster than 2023, while DDGS exports are 6.97 million tons, 15% ahead of a year ago.

Export demand is influenced by several factors, including the value of the dollar relative to other currencies, changes to domestic policies, and inter-governmental relations.