
Alibaba Welcomes Tencent’s WeChat Pay as a Payment Option on Its E-Commerce Apps TechNode

Alibaba’s e-commerce marketplaces Taobao and Tmall plan to accept Tencent’s WeChat Pay as a payment method, breaking down the walls between the two Chinese tech giants that initially blocked each other’s services and links. “We have always been open to cooperation,” Alibaba told TechNode, adding that they are constantly working to improve the user experience by making shopping “more convenient, enjoyable and efficient.” Previously, Taobao and Tmall only accepted Alipay, a scan-and-pay app operated by Alibaba-affiliated Ant Group, as one of the key ways to place orders beyond bank cards. The move comes as Alibaba tries to regain market share in competition with rivals such as Pinduoduo and Douyin. (TechNode Report)