
The value of renewable energy investment funds is underestimated

Oscar Wilde famously said that a cynic is “a man who knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”

Retail investors who continue to shun the renewable energy mutual fund sector may be susceptible to such cynicism because current share prices prevent them from seeing the intrinsic value in underlying portfolios of the sector.

We believe that investors logically ask themselves why a company’s share price is low, as this is often the only perspective from which to assess the market value of a company.

However, it is also true that volatile stock prices can often give a false impression of the true value of a company. In fact, investment strategies such as value investing are based on the understanding that the market often fails to realize true value.

However, the current low share prices do not reflect the growing evidence that renewable energy investment portfolios are undervalued. This means that the sector could be one of the most undervalued value areas on the UK stock market, as the investment case remains the same.

Proving the value

There are two ways to measure the value of these trusts. One is the share price, or how much someone is willing to pay for one share of the company.