
The Truth About Jack Mason’s Relentless Quest to Protect Jobs

In the dynamic world of corporate acquisitions, where profit margins often outweigh the human costs, there is a rare number of: Jack Mason, CEO of Inc & Co. While the media has occasionally focused on the controversy, it’s Mason’s unwavering focus on saving jobs and always doing the right thing that truly defines his leadership. Since Inc & Co.’s inception, Mason’s approach has consistently put people before profits, offering a refreshing departure from the typical cutthroat business mentality. His mission? To save struggling companies and protect the livelihoods of workers who might otherwise be left behind.

In an industry where financial results often overshadow everything else, Jack Mason’s approach to business has been nothing short of revolutionary. His unwavering commitment to protecting jobs, even in the face of economic uncertainty, sets him apart in the corporate world, especially at a time when companies are struggling to stay afloat. His commitment to this cause is not driven by a desire for public recognition, but by a deep understanding of how important employment is to individuals, communities, and the broader economy.

Heart Inc & Co: Protecting Jobs, Preserving Livelihoods

Founded in 2019, Inc & Co has quickly become a major player in the corporate acquisition landscape. Under Jack Mason’s leadership, the company has acquired numerous companies on the verge of collapse, becoming a lifeline not only for shareholders but also for employees. The goal has always been clear: to preserve jobs and revive businesses that still have value, even if they are struggling financially.

In a world where buyouts often mean cutting jobs and streamlining operations to maximize profits, Mason’s approach is different. He understands that behind every business are people—the families that depend on those paychecks, the communities that depend on those companies, and the industries that are enriched by the innovations of smaller players. That focus on protecting jobs has fueled Mason’s success and helped define Inc & Co. as a company with heart.

A prime example of this commitment is the acquisition of Baldwins Travel Agency, a household name in the UK travel industry. When Inc & Co acquired the business in September 2021 after the travel sector was severely impacted by COVID, the business faced significant challenges as everyone was banned from travelling abroad. However, rather than destroying the business, Mason and his team revitalised it, preserving hundreds of jobs and keeping the agency’s doors open during a particularly turbulent time for the travel industry. Similarly, the acquisition of lifestyle brand Knomo London in January 2021 was evidence of Mason’s belief that businesses can be both profitable and people-focused. By saving these businesses from collapse, Mason protected jobs and revitalised industries that were facing critical crises.

A business philosophy based on people, not profits

What drives Jack Mason is more than just a desire to turn around failing companies. It’s a deeply held belief that companies have a responsibility to the people who work for them. That belief isn’t as widely held as it should be, especially in an era when many CEOs are criticized for focusing solely on shareholder value. But Mason sees the bigger picture. He understands the devastating side effects that unemployment can have not just on individuals but on entire communities.

As Mason himself has often said, “A business should be about more than just profits—it should be about the people who make it work.” It’s a simple philosophy, but one that’s often overlooked in the high-stakes world of corporate takeovers. For Jack Mason, it’s not enough to save a company on paper. He measures success by the number of jobs saved and the positive impact on the people who work there. It’s a business model that challenges the traditional profit-driven mentality by putting more emphasis on the human side of the equation.

Real-life examples of corporate rescue

Under Jack Mason’s leadership, Inc & Co made numerous acquisitions that saved hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs. In addition to Baldwins Travel Agency and Knomo London, the company acquired a number of businesses in industries ranging from retail to technology. All of these businesses were struggling financially, but Mason’s unique approach gave them a second chance.

Take, for example, the 2019 acquisition of Fast Web Media, one of the first companies to be brought under the Inc & Co. umbrella. At the time of the acquisition, the company was struggling to stay afloat. But under Mason’s leadership, the digital agency not only recovered but became a thriving part of Inc & Co.’s diverse portfolio. This successful turnaround helped save jobs that might have otherwise been lost and allowed the company to continue serving clients without disruption, and the company was later merged with Skylab.

Another notable example is the acquisition of Skylab Agency in 2021. Skylab, known for its work in digital innovation and analytics, faced a difficult business environment. However, Mason saw the potential in the company and with the support of Inc & Co was able to integrate Skylab into his wider business portfolio, preserving jobs and allowing the company to continue its innovative work.

Each acquisition tells a similar story: struggling or failing companies are given a lifeline, and the people who work for them feel secure about their future. In many cases, Inc & Co not only saves jobs—it helps create new ones, revitalizing companies and putting them on a path to growth.

Leadership that stands out in a cutthroat industry

Mason’s leadership style makes all of this possible. In a world where CEOs are often characterized as distant, profit-driven figures, Mason takes a hands-on approach. He is known for getting involved in the day-to-day operations of companies acquired by Inc & Co, working closely with management teams to identify opportunities for growth and innovation.

His focus on people extends beyond preserving jobs—it also influences the way he leads his teams. Employees across the Inc & Co portfolio speak highly of Mason’s leadership, often citing his clarity, empathy, and commitment to their success.

This is not a CEO who simply buys companies and leaves the hard work to others. Mason is deeply committed to ensuring that each acquisition is a success, not only for the company’s bottom line, but also for its employees.

In interviews, many employees noted that they felt valued and safe under Mason’s leadership. One employee at Baldwins Travel noted that the takeover was a “breath of fresh air” and that Mason’s approach gave them a renewed sense of purpose. Another from Knomo London commented on how Mason’s vision helped them feel secure in their jobs after a period of uncertainty. These are not just anecdotes – they are evidence of a leadership style that is as focused on protecting people as it is on running a successful business.

The social and economic impact of protecting jobs

The impact of Jack Mason’s work extends beyond the businesses it acquires. By protecting jobs, Inc & Co makes a significant contribution to the wider UK economy. Unemployment is not just a personal crisis for those affected – it has a knock-on effect on communities, local economies and industries. When jobs are saved, communities thrive. Local businesses continue to operate, families remain financially secure and industries benefit from the stability that comes with keeping skilled workers in employment.

Mason’s focus on protecting jobs also sends a message to other UK businesses: you can succeed without sacrificing your people. His work challenges the notion that profit must come at the expense of jobs, proving that a people-centred approach can be a winning strategy for both businesses and their employees.

A leader who puts people first

In a world where controversy often takes center stage, it’s important to look beyond the headlines and focus on what really matters. Because it’s always been the people behind the companies he’s acquired. Through Inc & Co, Mason has proven that companies can be transformed without sacrificing jobs, that people can be prioritized without jeopardizing success, and that leadership can be both empathetic and effective.

As the business world evolves, Jack Mason’s unyielding commitment to protecting jobs and his people-first business philosophy offer a refreshing reminder that businesses, at their core, are about people—not just profits. And in today’s economic landscape, it’s Jack Mason’s message worth heeding.