
Decentralisation key to net zero transition, says think tank

Decentralisation key to net zero transition, says think tank image
Photo: John B Hewitt /

Devolving power to cities will be key to helping the government achieve its net zero emissions target, the think tank says.

A new report from the Centre for Cities examines what the UK can learn from international cities, arguing that those with greater power over transport and planning are better able to encourage and enable people to live more environmentally friendly lives.

The think tank said that with cities expected to account for 41% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2022, devoting more power and resources will be crucial if the government is to meet its targets of creating a cleaner energy sector by 2030 and net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Centre for Cities chief executive Andrew Carter said mayors in England were using their powers to help drive the transition to net zero emissions, citing Greater Manchester’s Bee Network and the upcoming Liverpool City Region plan as examples.

However, he added that the powers of mayors are still “quite limited.”

He added: “There are lots of good ideas around the world that these places can benefit from – they just need the right powers and resources to implement them.”

The more power cities have, the more they will be able to achieve.