
Candidates Liz Seman and John Langville answer questions about the Greenville District 24 race

Editor’s Note: Voter registration is underway in South Carolina, and early voting for the Nov. 5 general election begins next month. The Greenville News asked candidates in contested races to answer questions about the office they are running for before casting their ballots.

Here’s what Republican Party candidate and incumbent Congresswoman Liz Seman, 54, and Constitution Party candidate John Langville, 59, had to say about Greenville County’s 24th District.

What is your professional education?

Langville: Car service technician.

Seman: My career includes leadership roles with the American Red Cross, Hands on Greenville, and Meals on Wheels. I joined Furman University in 2013 as the Executive Director of Corporate Engagement and currently serve as Chief of Staff and Liaison to the Board of Trustees. In addition to my role at Furman, I serve as Vice Chair of the Greenville County Council and have represented District 24 since 2008. I chair the Roads, Infrastructure, and Public Works Committee and am Vice Chair of the Finance Committee.

Tell us about your family and personal background

Langville: Married, no children.

Seman: I earned my Bachelor of Science in Business from Miami, Ohio. I am married to Steve and have one son, Walker (FU ’22), who lives in Atlanta with his wife, Allison (FU ’22). I am a past president of the Community Foundation of Greenville and serve on the executive committee of the Upstate South Carolina Alliance (Chair) and VisitGreenvilleSC (Treasurer). I am a member of the Greenville Professional Women’s Forum and Greenville Women Giving and a supporting advisor to the Junior League of Greenville. I also serve on the boards of the Greenville Area Economic Development Corporation and the Hispanic Alliance.

More: Election Day is approaching: Here’s the information voters need before casting their ballot

Where do you live and how long have you lived there?

Langville: Mauldin for 25 years.

Seman: I have lived in Greenville since 1999.

Liz Seman is the current Republican Party candidate for District 24.Liz Seman is the current Republican Party candidate for District 24.

Liz Seman is the current Republican Party candidate for District 24.

What will be your top legislative priorities if you are elected?

Langville: Auditing of accounts, citizen-oriented growth, promoting fiscal responsibility.

Seman: I will prioritize strategic economic development, improving public safety, and essential infrastructure. This includes simplifying regulations and promoting investment in critical infrastructure like roads and utilities. I will support entrepreneurial initiatives to help startups and small businesses grow. I am committed to improving workforce development programs to train the next generation of skilled workers. I will continue to seek common ground with all of my colleagues and demonstrate the ability to graciously express differing views to restore the trust and confidence of our citizens.

What is the greatest need facing your district and how do you plan to meet it?

Langville: Road Repair: Work with state legislatures to get our allocated percentage of gas tax funding.

John Langville is the Constitution Party candidate for Greenville County Council District 24John Langville is the Constitution Party candidate for Greenville County Council District 24

John Langville is the Constitution Party candidate for Greenville County Council District 24

Seman: The most important issues in our county are public safety, infrastructure, transportation, economic development and affordable housing. I have consistently supported funding for the Sheriff’s Office and EMS, including equipment and training. I support the Comprehensive Plan to limit sprawl and preserve green spaces. I have worked to improve roads, increased investment in Greenlink and partnered with the Greenville Area Development Corporation to attract new businesses. I have also supported public-private initiatives to increase workforce housing throughout the county.

Infrastructure is a top concern for Greenville County residents. How do you plan to address infrastructure needs if elected?

Langville: See above.

Seman: Infrastructure is an urgent challenge that requires strategic planning, strong partnerships and sufficient resources. The county’s comprehensive plan serves as a blueprint for addressing key issues such as improving street connectivity, limiting sprawl and easing the burden on our infrastructure. Continued support for Greenlink and the Swamp Rabbit Trail will improve mobility. In addition, close collaboration with utility partners is essential to ensure our infrastructure is prepared for the anticipated business and population growth on the horizon.

Savannah Moss covers politics for the Greenville News. Contact her at [email protected] or follow her at X @Savmoss.

This article originally appeared in the Greenville News: Greenville Seman, Langville candidates answer election questions