
Watching Doom on a volumetric hologram-like display is like peering into the future of gaming.

The Holocaust on a Volumetric Display – YouTube
The Holocaust on a Volumetric Display - YouTube

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The original Doom is a milestone in PC gaming history. Of course, that’s nothing new, but its enduring popularity over the past three decades means it’s also this software you need to use when experimenting with coding or electronics projects. But when I saw the game being played on a volumetric display, it didn’t give me any feelings of nostalgia—I saw the future of PC gaming.

If you’re wondering what a volumetric display is, it’s a device that consists of a strip or array of LEDs that are rapidly rotated. The image created by the lights changing in a streaming pattern fills the volume in front of you. In other words, it’s like a holographic display (think Star Wars).