
Trump’s Horrific Arlington Scandal Takes Most Disturbing Turn Ever

The military has not yet provided congressional Democrats with an internal incident report detailing the confrontation, despite the fact that they have been asking for it for nearly two weeks, a congressional aide familiar with the situation tells me. Democrats have also requested a detailed account of exactly what was given to the Trump campaign before the incident. Trump aides were warned about conducting prohibited activities, and a full account would show the extent to which they knew in advance that their filming would violate certain laws and regulations. They have not received that either, the aide says.

Three senior House Democrats — Reps. Adam Smith, Jamie Raskin and Mark Takano — are expected to issue a new statement Tuesday that will ratchet up pressure on the military for more information. The lawmakers — who are Democratic on the Armed Services, Oversight and Veterans Affairs committees, respectively — are calling on the military to immediately provide answers to their questions and are urging the military to provide a full account to the appropriate law enforcement officials, who will decide whether a criminal assault occurred.

“The alleged assault of an Arlington employee by Trump campaign staffers demands a strong official response,” the three Democrats said in a statement released New Republic. It added that “the failure to properly investigate this egregious incident in a timely manner and hold those responsible accountable undermines the integrity and honor of Arlington National Cemetery” and violates “norms requiring impartiality in the military.”