
Arque Human’s tail is designed to improve balance

Arque Robot Tail

While researching AI robotics, I came across an interesting human-like robot tail developed by researchers at Keio University in Japan a few years ago. The Arque robotic tail aims to enhance human balance and agility by taking inspiration from animal tails. Using a complex mechanical design with artificial muscles and a spring-based structure, Arque adjusts the user’s center of gravity, providing an increased sense of stability. This innovative wearable technology has the potential to revolutionize the way people move and interact, especially in areas such as gaming, rehabilitation, and even industrial applications.

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Key conclusions:

  • The Arque robot tail was developed to improve human balance and agility by mimicking the action of an animal tail.
  • The device features a modular design consisting of interlocking vertebrae and pneumatic artificial muscles that allow for adjustment of the user’s center of gravity.
  • The tail is lightweight, adjustable and adapts to the user’s body shape.
  • The researchers were inspired by the structure of the seahorse’s tail, famous for its strength and flexibility.
  • Potential applications for Arque include gaming, virtual reality, rehabilitation and use as an assistive device in various industries.

Arque Robotic Human Tail

Arque is a biomimicry-inspired robotic tail that helps humans improve their balance and agility by shifting their center of gravity, much like animals use their tails for similar purposes. The tail is constructed of interlocking plastic vertebrae that are designed to handle shear and tangential forces with a spring-based structure. Each vertebra consists of a central plate surrounded by four additional protective plates. The vertebrae are connected to each other by elastic cables, providing flexibility while maintaining structural integrity.

Arque Robotic Tail - body balance

The internal mechanics of Arque include four pneumatic artificial muscles that allow movement in eight different directions. These muscles are powered by compressed air, which provides force depending on which muscles are activated. The system is designed to respond to a wearable body tracker that monitors the user’s center of gravity, adjusting the tail movement accordingly. This automatic correction helps balance the user, especially during dynamic activities or on uneven terrain.

The modular nature of the tail means it can be customized to fit the user’s body type. Additional segments can be added to make the tail longer or heavier for larger individuals, or removed to make it lighter and shorter. This adaptability ensures that the Arque can be personalized for a wide range of users, maximizing comfort and effectiveness.

Biomimicry and inspiration

The Arque design draws inspiration from the animal world, where tails play a key role in mobility and balance. The tail’s design closely mimics the function of real vertebrate tails, which help them carry their body weight and maintain balance. In particular, scientists from Keio University studied the seahorse’s tail, which stands out due to its unique structural composition.

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Unlike most animal limbs, which are typically round in cross-section, the seahorse’s tail is square in shape. This allows it to withstand greater forces relative to its size, making it an ideal model for creating a strong and efficient robotic tail. Each vertebra in a seahorse’s tail is surrounded by interlocking L-shaped plates that provide both flexibility and strength. Arque’s design replicates these characteristics to ensure that the robotic tail can handle the physical demands of everyday human movement.

This bio-inspired approach gives the tail strength while allowing it to move fluidly in response to changes in user posture. By replicating the biomechanical properties of animal tails, Arque represents a breakthrough in wearable robotics that could significantly change the way humans approach tasks requiring precise balance and agility.

Future Applications and Potential

The potential applications for the Arque tail robot are vast and extend beyond improving balance and agility. One of the most immediate areas of application is in virtual reality games and environments. As gamers become increasingly immersed in virtual worlds, improving their physical interaction with the game using devices like the Arque tail could provide a more engaging and realistic experience. By adjusting the player’s balance and momentum, the tail could simulate the physical sensations of navigating complex or unstable terrain in the game environment.

Beyond gaming, Arque could play a transformative role in rehabilitation. For people recovering from injury or struggling with mobility impairments, the robotic tail could prove to be an aid in regaining balance and coordination. Its ability to dynamically respond to changes in a person’s center of gravity makes it an ideal candidate for use in therapeutic contexts.

Arque Robotic Tail Design and MechanismArque Robotic Tail Design and Mechanism

In addition, Arque can be used in various industrial environments, especially in jobs where balance and stability are key. For example, workers performing tasks at great heights or on unstable surfaces can benefit from the additional support provided by the tail. It can also serve as an assistive device for the elderly or disabled, allowing them to be more independent in their daily activities.

Futuristic possibilities are also being explored, such as integrating Arque with brain-computer interfaces to create a more intuitive, fluid form of control. The device could potentially act like an artificial limb, responding to neurological signals to perform tasks that would otherwise require an additional appendage. This opens the door to applications in fields from medicine to robotics.

Arque is a fascinating fusion of biomimicry, robotics and wearable technology. By simulating the way animals use their tails to improve balance and mobility, this innovative device has the potential to redefine how humans interact with their environment. With applications ranging from gaming to rehabilitation to industrial support, Arque’s tail could play a significant role in shaping the future of human mobility and assistive technology. For more information about its project, visit the Keio University website.

Filed under: Equipment

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