
Providing sailing news for sailors

Jimmy Spithill, helmsman of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team, has revealed that every team is having to use faulty electronics for the 37th America’s Cup. “This is the first time we’ve been supplied with racing software and there were definitely a lot of bugs in what the Kiwis have supplied to everyone,” he said.

It was this electronics that hurt his team during the Challengers’ qualifying series, as the Italians were poised to win the first stage before a software failure disqualified them from the crucial race with the Swiss. And when the team filed a claim for redress, the fine print drowned out the first protest of the event:

During Race 29, our AC75 yacht experienced an unrecoverable error in the FCS software, which prevented the crew from steering the yacht.

We believe that our result was significantly affected through no fault of our own by the actions of a third party, i.e. a supplier of faulty software. This incident significantly affected the outcome of the race as it prevented us from using FCS and therefore from starting the race. It also created a serious safety hazard by preventing safe control of the boat, forcing the crew to sail through the spectator fleet at high speed.

The Jury interprets the Rules of the Regatta of Sailing – America’s Cup (RRSAC) as the basis for concluding that the ITA has neither a procedure nor the right to seek redress.

Redress is initiated by the Measurement Committee reporting serious damage or injury to the Jury and then the requirement under the rules is for the Jury to “consider” the redress (see RRSAC 60.3(c)). The Jury Chairman contacted the Chief Measurer this morning. It was explained that the Measurement Committee was involved in the process this evening to gain access to the data files. The Measurement Committee has not filed any Jury report on this matter.

The jury used RRSAC 64.1(c) to consider the ITA’s application to determine whether the application could be treated differently under the RRSAC. A “protest” is defined in the RRSAC as “An allegation made under rule 61.2 by a boat, the Race Director or the Jury that a boat has broken a rule.” The application received from the ITA does not allege that any boat has broken a rule, so the Jury cannot proceed with the case as a protest. RRSAC 63.1 requires the Jury to hear all protests, but in this case the ITA’s application for redress is not a protest (as defined).

In this case, there is no statute that would allow a jury to hear the matter. The jury will not proceed.

37th America’s Cup International Jury
Richard Slater (Chairman), Miguel Allen, Arnaud Mante, Craig Mitchell and Sofia Truchanowicz

View Details – Race Information – Results – Weather Forecast

Louis Vuitton Cup Challenger 2024 Selection Series
August 29-September 8: Double Round Robin
September 14-19: Semi-finals (up to 9 wins)
September 26-October 7: Finals (Best of 13)

Team New Zealand competes in the round robin only, and their race results are not included in the Challenger leaderboard. Races start at 14:00 CET (08:00 ET) and run until 16:30 or 17:00, depending on the schedule.

Following the publication of the AC37 Protocol and AC75 Class Rules on 17 November 2021, the AC75 Class Rules and AC Technical Regulations were finalised on 17 March 2022. The entry period ran from 1 December 2021 to 31 July 2022, but late entries for the 37th America’s Cup could be accepted until 31 May 2023. Defender was due to announce the venue on 17 September 2021, but postponed the announcement, eventually confirming Barcelona on 30 March 2022. The 37th America’s Cup will now start on 12 October 2024.

The teams that will compete against the Emirates Team New Zealand (NZL) defender have been revealed:
• INEOS Britannia (Great Britain)
• Alinghi Red Bull Racing (SUI)
• Team Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Italy)
• NYYC American Magic (USA)
• Orient Express Racing Team (FRA)

Preliminary Regatta 2023-24
September 14-17, 2023 (AC40): Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
November 30-December 2 (AC40): Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
August 22-25, 2024 (AC75): Barcelona, ​​​​Spain

Louis Vuitton Cup Challenger 2024 Selection Series
August 29-September 8: Double Round Robin
September 14-19: Semi-finals (up to 9 wins)
September 26-October 7: Finals (Best of 13)

America’s Cup 2024
October 12-21: Match 37 (to 13 wins)

More details about the competition can be found here.

Additionally, 12 teams will compete in the 2024 Youth and Women’s America’s Cup.

Event details: