
Forbes Lists Romania Among Affordable European Countries for American Retirees

With the growing number of Americans looking to settle abroad, has published a list of five European countries where it’s worth living in retirement. One of them is Romania.

According to Forbes magazine, Europe still tops the list of countries dreaming of moving abroad. There are several European countries where you can live comfortably on a monthly budget of 1,000 to 1,500 euros.

“Romania is one of those countries that almost unanimously appear on lists of the most affordable European countries. Stunning landscapes, picturesque towns and colorful cities are added to a very affordable lifestyle,” says Forbes.

Bucharest, for example, ranked 142nd in financial services firm Mercer’s 2023 Cost of Living City Ranking, which covered 226 cities worldwide. Furthermore, a one-bedroom apartment in the Romanian capital costs around €400 per month, plus around €100 for utilities.

Forbes also cites Daily Express calculations for Britons looking to move abroad, which found that “an individual monthly food budget is around €300, and expats can afford to eat out occasionally thanks to the relatively low costs of restaurants.”

Meanwhile, in other parts of Romania, such as the northern region, the monthly budget per person starts at around 600 euros, the report noted.

In terms of travel regulations, US citizens can visit Romania without a visa for a total of 90 days in a 6-month period. A temporary residence permit is required for a longer stay.

Additionally, Forbes mentions that “even though Romania is part of the EU, it does not use the euro, which some believe is one reason why the cost of living in the country remains low.”

The remaining four European countries on the list are Portugal, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Spain.

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(Photo source: Radub85/