
Debunking the Misconceptions and Obstacles of E-commerce in B2B Sales

As B2B e-commerce becomes increasingly essential to the lumber and building materials (LBM) industry, many dealers face challenges in proving ROI and managing limited resources. The transition to online account and sales tools for commercial buyers can seem daunting, often clouded by misconceptions and concerns that it is too complicated or only suitable for DIYers and consumers.

In this insightful webinar, Beth PopNikolov, CEO of Venveo, and Chris Fisher, Vice President of LBM at ECI, debunk common myths about e-commerce in the LBM sector and provide evidence-based insights from industry research, including LBM Journal’s “Real Issues. Real Answers” ​​and others.

Key Topics:

  • Debunking Common Misconceptions: Learn and debunk common myths about e-commerce in the LBM industry.
  • Proving ROI: Learn strategies to demonstrate the ROI of e-commerce initiatives integrated with your ERP and point of sale system.
  • Navigating the Transition: Learn practical steps to successfully implement e-commerce even with limited resources.
  • Calming Fears of Complexity: Gain confidence in overcoming perceived obstacles by simplifying the e-commerce process, demonstrating that it is achievable for all types of LBM firms, regardless of size or technical expertise.

Watch the replay of this webinar and gain the knowledge and tools you need to confidently implement e-commerce and succeed in your LBM business.