
Apple AirPods Pro 2 Approved in the US for Use as Hearing Aids; Software Update Coming Soon

Apple has received the green light from US regulators to add a feature that will allow its upcoming AirPods Pro headphones to be used as hearing aids, a move that could revolutionize the market.

Earlier this week, the company added the AirPods Pro 2 to its lineup and announced a software update that will allow users to test their hearing and then use the assisted hearing in their daily lives, as well as for online streaming.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the hearing aid functionality of these devices, noting that studies have shown that users found them as useful as those fitted by a professional.

“Hearing loss is a serious public health problem that affects millions of Americans,” said Acting FDA Director Michelle Tarver.

Thanks to a software update, the latest Apple Pods can act as hearing aids and allow users to test their own hearing. Photo: Bloomberg
Thanks to a software update, the latest Apple Pods can act as hearing aids and allow users to test their own hearing. Photo: Bloomberg