
Ottawa man dies from rare mosquito-borne virus (EEEV)

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Ottawa Public Health has confirmed that a city resident who died of viral encephalitis in August tested positive for Eastern encephalomyelitis virus (EEEV).

“According to available data, this is the first confirmed case of eastern encephalomyelitis in a human in Ottawa,” the agency said in a statement.

“Although it should be noted that EEEV is not a notifiable disease in Ontario.”

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The agency continues to urge residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites to reduce the risk of contracting EEEV and West Nile virus.

“Like West Nile virus, EEEV typically circulates among wild birds and mosquitoes, but can occasionally be transmitted to horses and, rarely, to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito,” OPH said.

“Humans do not become infected with the EEEV virus from a horse or another human.”

In August, the province of Ontario reported that EEEV had been confirmed in a horse in the Ottawa area. The horse had not been vaccinated against EEEV.

The horse was euthanized.

While horses can be protected with a vaccine against EEEV, there is no vaccine for humans. And while cases in humans are rare, the disease is worrisome because it can cause serious neurological illness and even death.

The best way to protect yourself from viruses is to prevent mosquito bites.

OPH recommends:

  • Applying a Health Canada-approved mosquito repellent containing DEET or picaridin to exposed skin and clothing (avoid applying DEET to synthetic fabrics)
  • Protect yourself when mosquitoes are active, especially between dusk and dawn, and whenever you are near shady hedges or wooded areas
  • Wearing light-colored, tightly woven, loose clothing, such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts, shoes, and socks, to protect exposed skin
  • Make sure all windows and doors in your home have screens in good condition

More information about EEEV and WNV can be found on the OPH website and in the public notice of August 21.

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