
Ram Bansal – How a 23-year-old built one of Asia’s leading digital marketing companies

Ram Bansal started his online marketing and e-commerce business in 2019, reselling products through Instagram and Facebook. During this time, he faced significant personal challenges due to family issues that eventually forced him to take a break from his studies, causing him to drop out of college. With no formal education or experience in business or marketing, Ram had to rely on his curiosity, determination, and a strong belief in himself that constant learning would be the key to overcoming adversity. Without the support of his family, Ram took the plunge into the world of online business, learning through trial and error.

By 2020, Ram had built a solid foundation in online marketing and was running a resale business. However, out of the blue, his site was banned and in an instant, all his hard work went down the drain. Most people would have given up after such a setback, but not Ram. He didn’t let this loss get him down. Instead, he used it as motivation to dive deeper into the world of online marketing, e-commerce, and content marketing. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Ram began rebuilding his business from the ground up, this time creating a sustainable model that could scale more easily.

With this mindset, Ram was able to launch his first Shopify e-commerce store in the home-based niche. Scaling a store from scratch wasn’t easy, but with hard work and a strategic approach, Ram grew his store to consistent five-figure sales in just a few months. Along the way, he documented both his successes and challenges on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram. Soon, many people started reaching out to him for help as he became an authority in the e-commerce space.

Initially, Ram helped others build and scale their e-commerce stores. He would take on clients, help them reach a certain sales level, and then hand them over to manage. However, he quickly realized that many clients lacked the skills to maintain or grow sales when left alone. Sales would decline and clients would come back frustrated, wondering what went wrong. Ram knew that if he wanted to help people in a meaningful way, he had to offer more than just a one-time service.

That’s when Ram decided to change his business model. Instead of offering a piecemeal solution, he began offering a comprehensive service to clients who wanted to launch and scale their e-commerce stores within 90 days. Drawing on his extensive experience in digital marketing, content marketing, and store building, Ram developed a service that set his clients up for long-term success. His results spoke for themselves, and he soon began posting successful case studies on his Instagram page, showcasing the growth and profitability of the stores he helped build.

Ram transformed himself from a college graduate with no formal qualifications or experience to a successful entrepreneur building successful businesses in the digital space. Through online marketing and e-commerce, Ram transformed his life and now dedicates himself to helping others do the same. He strongly believes that success begins with a leap of faith, consistency, and self-investment. His story is a powerful reminder that while starting something new can be difficult, perseverance brings rewards that make the challenges worthwhile.

Ram often says, “Success is a journey, not a destination. It’s about showing up every day, learning, and overcoming the challenges that come your way.” Ram’s story is proof of how resilience, a commitment to learning, and embracing change can lead to success, even in the face of adversity. Today, he continues to run successful e-commerce stores and help aspiring entrepreneurs find their way to success in the world of e-commerce and online marketing.


Instagram: Ram Bansal’s Instagram
Website: RNM Digital Media