
HSR August 2024 Transaction Update | HaystackID

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) landscape remains a key area of ​​focus for business and legal professionals, reflecting the broader economic climate and regulatory trends. For eDiscovery professionals, understanding the ebb and flow of M&A activity is key to navigating the complexities of compliance, investigations, and litigation. The latest statistics from the Premerger Notification Office offer valuable insight into current M&A activity, providing a useful benchmark for assessing the health of the market and its trajectory.

HSR Transaction Data: Snapshot

Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) deal data for August 2024 indicates a high level of activity in the M&A arena. Here are the monthly deal numbers for calendar year 2024:

  • August 2024: 218 transactions
  • July 2024: 201 transactions
  • June 2024: 163 transactions
  • May 2024: 179 transactions
  • April 2024: 162 transactions
  • March 2024: 136 transactions
  • February 2024: 135 transactions
  • January 2024: 170 transactions

In August 2024, the Premerger Notification Office reported 218 Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) transactions, a significant increase from the 201 reported in July. This increase underscores the ongoing robustness of M&A activity, even in the face of challenges. Transaction volumes varied throughout the year, driven by factors such as increased regulatory scrutiny and changing economic conditions. Despite headwinds such as inflation and interest rate volatility, the M&A market demonstrated impressive resilience, with August standing out as the most active month of the year for HSR filings. Additionally, with one month remaining in fiscal year 2024, the total of 1,885 transactions already exceeded the 1,884 reported in the full year of fiscal year 2023, further underscoring the continued strength of the M&A landscape.

Transaction Charts

Taken from the most recent published monthly Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Premerger Notification transactions made available by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and supplemented by published annual reports, the following transaction charts may be useful to law firms, legal departments, and legal service providers who wish to understand the real-time pulse rate of transaction reviews required by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. Because these reviews may lead to second requests, the charts may also be useful as a starting point for considering vendor statements regarding the depth, breadth, and volume of their support for second requests for this unique type of eDiscovery over a specified time frame.

Chart 1: Annual HSR Act Transactions Reported for Tax Years 2000–2024*/**

Chart 2: Monthly HSR Act transactions reported in fiscal year 2024 (October-September)*

Figure 3: Monthly HSR Act transactions reported in fiscal year 2023 (October-September)

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) landscape remains a key area of ​​focus for business and legal professionals, reflecting the broader economic climate and regulatory trends. For eDiscovery professionals, understanding the ebb and flow of M&A activity is key to navigating the complexities of compliance, investigations, and litigation. The latest statistics from the Premerger Notification Office offer valuable insight into current M&A activity, providing a useful benchmark for assessing the health of the market and its trajectory.

HSR Transaction Data: Snapshot

Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) deal data for August 2024 indicates a high level of activity in the M&A arena. Here are the monthly deal numbers for calendar year 2024:

  • August 2024: 218 transactions
  • July 2024: 201 transactions
  • June 2024: 163 transactions
  • May 2024: 179 transactions
  • April 2024: 162 transactions
  • March 2024: 136 transactions
  • February 2024: 135 transactions
  • January 2024: 170 transactions

In August 2024, the Premerger Notification Office reported 218 Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) transactions, a significant increase from the 201 reported in July. This increase underscores the ongoing robustness of M&A activity, even in the face of challenges. Transaction volumes varied throughout the year, driven by factors such as increased regulatory scrutiny and changing economic conditions. Despite headwinds such as inflation and interest rate volatility, the M&A market demonstrated impressive resilience, with August standing out as the most active month of the year for HSR filings. Additionally, with one month remaining in fiscal 2024, the total of 1,885 transactions already exceeded the 1,884 reported in the full fiscal 2023 year, further underscoring the continued strength of the M&A landscape.

Transaction Charts

Taken from the most recent published monthly Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Premerger Notification transactions made available by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and supplemented by published annual reports, the following transaction charts may be useful to law firms, legal departments, and legal service providers who wish to understand the real-time pulse rate of transaction reviews required by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. Because these reviews may lead to second requests, the charts may also be useful as a starting point for considering vendor statements regarding the depth, breadth, and volume of their support for second requests for this unique type of eDiscovery over a specified time frame.

Chart 1: Annual HSR Act Transactions Reported for Tax Years 2000–2024*/**

Chart 2: Monthly HSR Act transactions reported in fiscal year 2024 (October-September)*

Figure 3: Monthly HSR Act transactions reported in fiscal year 2023 (October-September)*

*Monthly real-time reports – first report in October 2019 (monthly current report)
**Based on annual accounts presented in HSR’s final annual transaction reports.

News sources

With the help of GAI and LLM Technologies

SOURCE: HaystackID

*Monthly real-time reporting – first report in October 2019 (monthly current report)
**Based on annual accounts presented in HSR’s final annual transaction reports.

News sources

With the help of GAI and LLM Technologies

SOURCE: HaystackID