
Exotic Pet Regulations as of 2024 – Forbes Advisor Guide

The laws regarding owning exotic animals vary from place to place, as each state sets its own rules.

In general, however, the laws try to limit the risk to both pet owners and others in the vicinity. Animals that are considered endangered or those that cause harm to humans are most likely to be restricted under state exotic pet laws.

Many states ban possession of animals that the federal Lacey Act classifies as harmful to the environment, wildlife and humans, including mongooses, zebra mussels, brown tree snakes and flying foxes.

Other pets that may be illegal to own in individual states include:

  • alligators
  • black bears
  • lynx
  • coyotes
  • foxes
  • moon rats
  • mountain lions
  • sheds
  • poisonous snakes
  • wolves

These are just a small sampling of the types of exotic animals that may be prohibited. In some cases, states may take a broader approach and, rather than listing specific creatures that people cannot possess, establish a general rule banning possession of all live animals unless they are specifically permitted. However, the definitions of what is considered a live animal vary from state to state.