
Chautauqua Adult Day Services Welcomes New Executive Director | News, Sports, Jobs

Submitted Photo Pictured is Chautauqua Adult Day Services’s New Executive Director, Valerie Johnson along with one of her clients, Margie.

Valerie Johnson has worked with the local elderly population for 28 years as a part of Heritage Ministries before accepting the role as executive director of Chautauqua Adult Day Services.

During those last 28 years, Johnson has been mainly working as a social worker, but spent the last few in an administrative position at Heritage Village. She said she ended up applying for the job at Chautauqua Adult Day Services thanks to a friend.

“I was referred to by a friend and previous coworker who knew I had a passion for the elderly and those with dementia and thought I would be a good fit,” Johnson said. “I did a few interviews with the Board of Directors, and I felt after that that I would be a good fit as well because those interviews felt more like conversations. I have had years of experience with the senior population.”

Throughout her long history of working with the elderly, Johnson has seen and understands how loneliness and boredom can affect them, and she said one of the main reasons why she was interested in the role of Executive Director, which she officially started as back in June , was because of the way she saw Chautauqua Adult Day Services work to combat that.

“I like the concept of a day program where seniors can come and be social and interact with others in the same situation,” Johnson said. “I know how hard it can be for the elderly in that type of situation.”

Johnson has already been busy throughout the summer working with the Chautauqua Adult Day Services programs located in both Jamestown and Dunkirk. She praised the program, saying it helps many elderly people be able to stay in their homes while also getting the needed socialization, exercise and inclusion that they may be lacking.

“Everyone has been so welcoming to me and has made me feel that I am in the right place,” Johnson said. “The staff already does such a great job enhancing lives, and I can’t wait to be a part of helping the program continue to thrive.”

Additionally, Johnson said she feels her previous experience transfers very well to her new role, and she has already met several of the organization’s community partners that have also made her feel welcome. One of the most important things for her, she said, is people knowing that she truly cares for the local elderly population.

“I really do care about the senior population in the community,” Johnson said. “They have always been what I focus on where I work and I want to continue to be able to help them in my new role. I like to think outside the box and I have some great ideas as we move forward.”

In the future, Johnson said she is looking forward to continuing working with the solid program that has already been established at Chautauqua Adult Day Services at both of their locations. She also wants to work on expanding the program how clients would want to see it expand.

“Coming into these two excellent programs that have already been established, I want to take what is already here and work to continue to improve it,” Johnson said. “If interested, I’d love it if people would call for a tour and learn more about the gem of a program we have here in Jamestown and Dunkirk.”

Chautauqua Adult Day Services is located at 358 East Fifth Street in Jamestown and 733 Central Avenue in Dunkirk. For more information call 716-665-4899 or find them on Facebook or at

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