
Yacht Haven Grande takes important step towards renewable energy

This week, Yacht Haven Grande, the marina of Island Global Yachting (IGY), unveiled a rooftop solar installation that will cover a “significant portion” of the facility’s energy needs, according to a statement from IGY.

“We are committed to working with our partners to find innovative ways to reduce our environmental impact and create a more sustainable future for the marina industry,” said Steven English, IGY President. “This solar project is a milestone for IGY’s renewable energy solutions and our ongoing commitment to sustainability initiatives across our global portfolio of industry-leading marinas.”

By deploying the solar panels, Yacht Haven Grande expects to reduce its reliance on fossil fuel-generated electricity, thereby reducing its carbon footprint. “In addition, the project will reduce demand on the local power grid, freeing up energy for use by the surrounding community,” the press release noted.

“This project is a significant step forward in our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility,” said Eric Simonton, Executive Vice President of Real Estate at IGY. The installation is a collaboration between IGY and Prosolar Caribbean, a local renewable energy provider.