
ChatGPT-o1 and ChatGPT-4o performance comparison

ChatGPT-o1 and ChatGPT-4o comparison

OpenAI this week released its highly anticipated new ChatGPT-o1 language model, a groundbreaking language model designed for complex reasoning AND nuanced understandingThis advanced AI system has demonstrated extraordinary capabilities, surpassing human PhD-level accuracy in challenging benchmarks across physics, biology and chemistry.

As researchers and practitioners explore the potential applications of GPT-o1, it is crucial to understand how it compares to the existing GPT-4o model. This ChatGPT-o1 vs ChatGPT-4o comparison guide by PBA provides more information on the performance capabilities of GPT-o1 and GPT-4o, highlighting their key differences in usage, efficiency, and optimal hinting techniques for various hints and tasks.

TL;DR Key takeaways:

  • GPT-o1 exceeds human standards of accuracy at the PhD level in physics, biology, and chemistry.
  • GPT-o1 is designed for complex reasoning and nuanced responses, allowing it to excel at tasks that require deep understanding.
  • GPT-4o is better suited for general-purpose tasks like summarizing emails, writing texts, and generating trivia.
  • GPT-4o works best with detailed and specific prompts using the target-context-expectation formula.
  • GPT-o1 works better with simple and direct prompts, without the need for detailed instructions.
  • Compared to GPT-4o, GPT-o1 provides more nuanced and detailed responses in complex scenarios.
  • For general questions, both models work similarly. The choice depends on the complexity of the task.

Key Differences Between OpenAI GPT-o1 and GPT-4o

When we take a closer look at the capabilities and features of GPT-o1 and GPT-4o, distinct differences in their underlying design principles and optimal use cases become obvious:


  • Focus on Reasoning:ChatGPT-o1 is designed for tasks requiring complex reasoning and is suitable for areas such as coding, mathematics, and science.
  • Chain of thoughts:This model improves efficiency because it spends more time thinking and breaks problems down into steps.
  • Advanced in STEM:Achieved high scores in programming competitions (Codeforces) and academic tests (AIME).
  • Target Use Cases:Ideal for users who need advanced technical troubleshooting skills.


  • Broader knowledge base:ChatGPT-4o offers a more generalized understanding of world knowledge and natural language processing.
  • General Purpose:Copes well with tasks that require extensive language skills, such as content creation and creative writing.
  • STEM Opportunities: Still capable of tackling STEM tasks, but not as optimized for reasoning-focused challenges as the o1.
  • Efficiency:Designed for faster general use and better suited to tasks that do not require extended reasoning.

While both models demonstrate impressive language understanding and generation capabilities, the strength of GPT-o1 lies in its ability to cope with complex, multi-faceted problems which require a deeper level of reasoning and specialized knowledge.

ChatGPT-o1 and ChatGPT-4o comparison

Below you will find a selection of other articles from our extensive library of content that may be of interest to you about the ChatGPT-o1 AI model:

Effective prompting techniques

To fully utilize the potential of GPT-o1 and GPT-4o, it is essential to understand the most effective hinting techniques for each model:

  • In the case of GPT-4o, providing detailed and specific prompts usually yields the best results. Using the goal-context-expectation formula, where you clearly define the desired outcome, provide appropriate context, and set expectations for the generated result, can significantly improve GPT-4o performance.
  • In contrast, GPT-o1 works best with simple and direct prompts. Extensive hints and extensive chain-of-thought prompts are often unnecessary for GPT-o1, because it has an innate ability to grasp complex concepts and generate nuanced responses with minimal prompting.

By tailoring your content suggestion approach to the strengths of each model, you can leverage their full potential and achieve the best possible results for your specific use case.

Performance Comparison

To illustrate the performance differences between GPT-o1 and GPT-4o, let’s consider some specific examples:

  1. Replacing jobs with artificial intelligence by 2030: When asked about the potential impact of AI on job replacement by 2030, GPT-o1 provided a nuanced and detailed answer. It included specific reference years, discussed the various factors affecting job replacement, and offered insights into potential mitigation strategies. GPT-4o, while still providing a meaningful answer, lacked the depth and detail of GPT-o1’s answer.
  2. Negotiating a pay raise: Both GPT-o1 and GPT-4o gave similar high-level advice when asked about strategies for negotiating a pay raise. However, GPT-o1 went a step further, providing more detailed examples, explaining the reasoning behind each suggestion, and offering additional tips for communicating effectively during negotiations.
  3. Bookkeeping :GPT-o1, when presented with a complex accounting scenario, provided a comprehensive and nuanced answer. It considered multiple accounting standards, discussed the implications of different approaches, and ultimately suggested consulting a professional accountant for the most accurate guidance. GPT-4o, while still providing a meaningful answer, lacked the depth and nuance of GPT-o1’s analysis.

These examples highlight the superior performance of GPT-o1 in solving complex, multi-faceted problems that require deeper reasoning and domain-specific knowledge. For more general questions and tasks, both models tend to perform similarly, providing accurate and consistent answers.

Ultimately, the choice between GPT-o1 and GPT-4o depends on the specific requirements and complexity of the task at hand. If your use case requires it, deep understanding, nuanced reasoning and expertiseGPT-o1 is likely to be the better choice. However, for general purpose language tasks and simple question answering, GPT-4o remains a highly efficient and effective option.

As the AI ​​field continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it is essential that researchers and practitioners stay informed about the latest developments and carefully evaluate the strengths and limitations of different models. By understanding the key differences between GPT-o1 and GPT-4o, you can make informed decisions and leverage the power of these innovative language models to unlock new opportunities and drive innovation in your domain.

Source: PBA

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