
Keir Starmer’s victory on winter fuel restrictions could provide temporary relief

This teacher-selected article with suggested questions is part of the Financial Times free schools access programme. Details/registration Here.

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  • Edexcel: Component 4.2: Relationships between the executive and parliament

  • AQA: Component The structure and role of Parliament: checks on the executive and the effectiveness of checks in practice

Background: What You Need to Know

This article shows the ability of a newly elected government with a large majority to dominate parliament – ​​while also pointing out the possible future threats it may face. Keir Starmer’s decision to cut the winter fuel allowance for pensioners who do not receive another benefit has caused deep divisions in the Labour Party, with many MPs expressing concern. Now that select committees are being set up, the House of Commons could become more active in checking the executive.

The government won the Commons vote by a comfortable 120-vote majority. The Lords defeated the government on the issue soon afterwards, but as an unelected chamber it cannot stop the policy from being implemented. Winter fuel cuts and the government’s insistence on maintaining the two-child limit on child benefit were unpopular. There was criticism from trade unions and the media. Party discipline has held up so far, but MPs may become harder to control if they fear losing their seats at the next general election.

Click the link below to read the article and answer the questions:

Keir Starmer’s victory on winter fuel restrictions could provide temporary relief

AQA Politics Paper 1 style question

  • “Parliament has limited power to hold the UK government to account.” Analyze and evaluate this statement.

    In your answer, you should use material from the entire scope of your political science major. (25 points)

Edexcel Politics Paper 2 style question

  • Assess the view that Parliament is not effective in holding the UK executive to account.

    In your response, you should draw on appropriate knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in Component 1: British Politics and Basic Political Ideas.

    You must consider this view and its alternative in a balanced way. (30 points)

    TIP: For the Edexcel question, the relevant topic for Strand 1 is 4.1: General Election Case Study. The 2024 General Election gave Keir Starmer a large majority, despite Labour’s low vote share – reflecting the disproportionate nature of the first-past-the-post system.

Graham Goodlad, Portsmouth High School