
GHOSTS Agency: The Power of New Age Marketing Based on Human Psychology and Innovation

Digital marketing has become part of the 21st century strategies that attract customers and GHOSTS – the brainchild of young entrepreneur Michael Althammer – is currently at the forefront of this movement. With a focus on e-commerce, advertising and content creation consulting, GHOSTS is not just another marketing agency; it is a psychological powerhouse designed to leverage consumer behavior and elevate brands in global markets.

Filled with entrepreneurial drive and intuitive understanding of psychology, Michael’s story has made GHOSTS one of the most innovative agencies in the industry.

Michael’s passion for marketing and psychology was ignited at a young age. His high school years—when he excelled at marketing without putting in much effort—laid the foundation for his future career. Encouraged by a teacher who saw his potential, Michael became interested in the dynamic interplay of communication and human behavior. This innate understanding of human psychology would later become the foundation for his agency’s success.

“I always knew I wanted to pursue marketing, psychology, or both,” Michael says. “I was fascinated by how people think and how that affects their online decisions. I didn’t just want to create ads; I wanted to understand what makes people engage and buy.”

Like many young visionaries, Michael’s journey took an unconventional route. He dropped out of college in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, realizing that online classes weren’t the way he wanted to spend his formative years. Instead, he moved to Vienna, eager to join the world of marketing. As fate would have it, he became the first employee at a young agency, where he honed his skills and eventually became an expert in high-stakes digital advertising.

“I lived in a hotel for over a year, learning the ropes of paid advertising for global brands,” Michael recalls. “It wasn’t glamorous, but it was invaluable. The experience made me realize I needed to start an agency. I wanted to do something different than what I saw at other agencies—which often overpromised and underdelivered.”

And so in 2021, GHOSTS was born.

GHOSTS Company

The name “GHOSTS” isn’t just a quirky nickname; it reflects the philosophy behind the agency. “We like to be in the background, observing,” Michael explains. “Our strength lies in understanding people, markets, and trends, and using that knowledge to deliver campaigns that resonate deeply with audiences. We don’t create flashy ads; we believe in purposeful ads that convert.”

This focus on observation and psychology sets GHOSTS apart from traditional marketing agencies. Instead of relying on superficial trends, they delve into the human psyche, ensuring that each campaign taps into consumers’ true emotions and motivations.

GHOSTS isn’t just another marketing firm. It’s a full-stack agency that does everything from strategy and content creation to performance marketing and data analysis. With a team of 16 diverse talents, GHOSTS has built over 160 brands since its inception, spanning industries from e-commerce to pharmaceuticals. One of their key strengths? A young, remote team that’s always on top of the latest trends. Michael adds, “We hire young talent from all over the world, bringing their specialized expertise to every part of our campaigns. We don’t just follow trends; we create them.”

What sets GHOSTS apart is its technological edge. Unlike other agencies that over-rely on common tools, GHOSTS uses niche AI ​​solutions tailored to the needs of individual clients while maintaining the human touch that psychology brings to marketing.

Michael notes, “Consumers are motivated by human behavior, which is why the most effective campaigns are those that are created by humans. While AI can be useful for structuring ideas, it can’t replace the psychological awareness needed to ensure campaigns are authentic. Many jump into AI platforms without considering the results, resulting in bland and ineffective campaigns.”

What makes the company stand out

Another unique selling point of GHOSTS is its ability to navigate the cultural nuances of different markets, particularly in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). GHOSTS provides invaluable insights to US or UK clients looking to enter this complex market.

“If you’re not a native speaker, marketing in the DACH region is difficult,” Michael explains. “So we bridge that gap by understanding the language and culture, ensuring our customers’ messages resonate.”

GHOSTS has achieved impressive results across a variety of industries. One of the biggest successes was with one of the largest car dealerships in Europe, where GHOSTS increased leads by an astonishing 105,000% year-on-year after reworking their advertising campaigns and fixing broken tracking systems. Another highlight was a collaboration with an online pharmacy, where GHOSTS scaled their digital advertising from the ground up, using a combination of psychological targeting and performance marketing. The effectiveness of the campaigns increased the pharmacy’s monthly revenue from 0 to 500,000.

“We’ve worked with some major clients, including companies that do over a billion dollars in annual revenue,” Michael says. “It’s rewarding to see our strategies produce tangible results.”

As GHOSTS continues to grow, Michael remains focused on staying at the forefront of psychology and marketing. His goal is to continue to expand the agency’s global reach while maintaining the personalized, human-centric approach that sets GHOSTS apart in the industry. “We’re not interested in becoming just another big agency,” Michael says. “We want to remain innovative, agile, and deeply connected to our clients and their audiences. That’s what will keep us fast and innovative.”

Marketing is constantly evolving, and GHOSTS follows suit, constantly observing, adapting and striving to achieve better and better results.