
Elon Musk Tells Disgusting ‘Joke’ About Harris After Trump Shooting

“No, no, no. The real threat is what’s happening at our border,” Trump said he said“Because thousands of people are being killed by illegal immigrants. And dying. Women are dying when they come, they come in large groups. We call it a caravan, I think I came up with that name, but it really is what it is — 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 people — and you have large numbers of women being killed in these caravans coming into this country.”

“And then once they get here, they can go back home and end up as sex slaves and everything else,” Trump continued. “Those are your real problems. Not the problem you’re talking about.”

The city at the center of the plot closed three of its schools Friday, ABC News reported. Perrin Woods and Snowhill Elementary schools were evacuated after receiving unspecified information from the Springfield Police Department, and Roosevelt Middle School was closed from the start of the school day because of similar threats, the report said. Springfield News-Sun.