
G20 Sherpa from India visits Aspen this week to discuss climate

Sherpa G20 Amitabh Kant.
Rocky Mountain Institute/Photo courtesy of

Prominent leaders from India and Colorado are coming to Aspen this week to discuss climate and clean energy adoption as they advance their roles in promoting electric vehicles, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

On Wednesday, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Paepcke Auditorium, 1000 N. Third St., the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) will host a discussion titled “From the Rockies to the Himalayas: Leadership in Climate and Clean Energy.” Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.

At the centre of the conversation will be Amitabh Kant, India’s G20 Sherpa and former head of NITI Aayog, the central agency responsible for India’s economic and social transformation.

Rocky Mountain Institute Carbon Transportation Managing Director Clay Stranger has been working in India for eight years.

“I was there to provide technical assistance and support to one of the key government leaders in India, Amitabh Kant,” Stranger said. “Kant is an incredible visionary. He has a unique, cross-sector macroeconomic view of the country.”

Kant’s career has been characterised by a visionary approach to sustainable development, particularly in promoting India’s clean energy transition and innovative energy policy frameworks.

“(Kant) is a huge advocate for social development, clean energy technology and climate solutions,” Stranger said.

According to Stranger, Kant’s influence in shaping India’s strategy on climate change and energy transition made him one of the most influential figures in India’s premier government policy think tank, both for ministers and the prime minister.

Stranger said Kant set his goals starting at the local level, identifying 100 villages, towns and regions in the country that suffered from the greatest resource shortages.

“Kant provided infrastructure funding and support in an attempt to implement the systematic development goals of the United Nations in those places in India that would benefit the most,” Stranger said.

The event, moderated by Rocky Mountain Institute CEO Jon Creyts, will discuss Kant’s leadership and the similarities between clean energy initiatives in India and Colorado.

Colorado has made significant progress with local energy initiatives, and the discussion will provide an opportunity to compare and contrast these efforts with India’s large-scale transformation.

“There’s incredible progress being made in our home state and in India,” Stranger said. “The metrics for that progress and in many cases the approaches to driving it are very different, but the themes are crosscutting.”

The panel will feature Akshima Ghate, managing director of the Rocky Mountain Institute’s India program, which works closely with Indian policy and industry leaders to accelerate the implementation of sustainable energy solutions.

Chris Lane, CEO of the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, will complement the panel, bringing his experience in environmental education and leadership.

Auden Schendler, Senior Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen One, will share insights on Aspen’s local environmental strategies. Bryan Hannegan, President and CEO of Holy Cross Energy and a Rocky Mountain Institute board member, will discuss the role of electric cooperatives in promoting clean energy.

More information about the panel can be found at