
Saint Lucia sets out to make tougher climate action commitments

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Saint Lucy

– On 9 September, as part of the consultations of the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC), work was initiated on the revision of the third Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

The NCCC, led by the Department of Sustainable Development, brings together stakeholders from ten priority climate change sectors to consider what new commitments should look like.

“In our latest NDC,” Permanent Secretary Anita Montoute told the NCCC, “we committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy and transport sectors by 7% below 2010 levels by 2030. In line with the Paris Agreement’s principle of progress, Saint Lucia is now expected to submit a more ambitious NDC in 2025.

“If we were to assess the achievement of this goal, our report would show continued ambitious action towards achieving these commitments, with over 67 climate projects currently being monitored and supported across 10 climate priority sectors.”

NDC is a country’s climate commitment under the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

NDCs are revised and submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) every five years. Saint Lucia submitted its first NDC in 2015, followed by a second revised edition in 2020.

The Saint Lucia 2025 bid revision process is being supported by the NDC-TEC project (Supporting the Implementation of the Caribbean NDC – Transforming the Transport and Energy Sectors towards a Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Future).

The technical leadership of the project is provided by a team from the global climate science and policy institute Climate Analytics, in collaboration with the climate change team in the Department of Sustainable Development and other key national experts.

Saint Lucia intends to submit an updated NDC in March 2025.

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