
5 Essential iPhone Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

Published: September 17, 2024

Photo by Bruce Mars via Unsplash

5 Essential iPhone Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

By Movieguide® Staff

There’s excitement in the air as the latest iPhone models hit the market. The sleek design, cutting-edge features, and powerful capabilities entice adults and kids alike. But as a parent, your priority isn’t just the coolest new technology—it’s keeping your child safe in the digital world.

Before we get to safety tips, it’s crucial to address an often-overlooked question: When should a child get their first smartphone? Many experts suggest that most children shouldn’t have a phone until they’re 16. For younger children who need to stay connected, especially at school, smartwatches offer a great alternative. These devices provide basic communication features without the risks associated with full internet access and social media platforms.

However, if you’ve decided your teen is ready for an iPhone, or if you’re passing on your previous model to your kids, these five basic tips will help you navigate the waters of responsible iPhone use. Here’s what every parent needs to know to turn that shiny new iPhone into a safe, enriching tool for their child.

1. Activate Screen Time: Your Digital Guardian

The first line of defense is at your fingertips. By enabling Screen Time, you gain invaluable insight into your child’s device usage and can set healthy boundaries. This feature lets you monitor app usage, set daily time limits, and schedule downtime. It’s like having a digital nanny to make sure your child maintains a balanced relationship with their device.

2. Enable Screen Distance Control: Protect Young Eyes

Did you know that more and more children are suffering from myopia due to excessive screen use and holding devices too close to their eyes? Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition in which objects that are close appear clear, while distant objects appear blurry. The Screen Distance Check feature on the iPhone is a breakthrough in combating this problem. By enabling this feature, you help your child maintain an appropriate viewing distance, potentially saving their eyesight in the long run.

3. Activate communication security: a shield against inappropriate content

In today’s digital age, children can be exposed to inappropriate content with just a few taps. That’s where Communications Safety comes in. This powerful feature can detect nude photos and videos before they’re sent or viewed on your child’s device. By enabling this feature in your Screen Time settings, you’re adding an extra layer of protection against potential online predators and inappropriate content.

4. Set App Limits for Social Media: Nurturing Your Mental Health

As the saying goes, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Nowhere is this more evident than on social media platforms. Studies have shown a correlation between increased social media use and declining mental health in children. Take control by setting app limits for social media apps. This is easy to do in the Screen Time settings on your iPhone. Tip: Set a passcode that only you know, ensuring that when your child reaches their limit, they have to come to you for an extension. This opens up opportunities for meaningful conversations about healthy technology use.

5. Mute unknown callers and filter unknown senders: A barrier against strangers

Last but not least, protect your child from unwanted contact with strangers. In your phone settings, activate “Silence unknown callers.” This simple step can prevent potential predators from directly contacting your child. Similarly, in your Messages settings, enable the Unknown Senders filter. These two features work together to create a protective bubble around your child’s communication channels.

By implementing these five basic tips, you’re not just handing your child an iPhone; you’re giving them a safer, more controlled digital environment. Remember, the goal isn’t to limit their experiences, but to guide them toward responsible and healthy technology use. With these safeguards in place, you can rest easy knowing you’ve taken significant steps to protect your child in the digital world.

Stay informed, stay alert, and most importantly, keep the lines of communication open with your children about their online experiences. Together we can raise a generation of responsible digital citizens.