
Shura Council examines women’s role in preserving cultural identity and sustainable development

Saint Petersburg: The Shura Council took part in the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum held in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg and will conclude its work on Friday.

In her speech during the discussion session of the Forum’s activities, Deputy Chairman of the Shura Council, HE Dr. Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti, stressed the state’s belief in the importance of women as a fundamental pillar of sustainable development, as well as the protection of family values, cultural traditions and national identity.

She drew attention to the role of women in developing the culture and traditions of indigenous peoples, as women’s role in preserving cultural identity is considered an integral part of comprehensive development actions.

HE Dr Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti stated that women are considered to be the bearers of language, culture and traditional lifestyles and pass on these values ​​to future generations. She cited experiences that showed that women among indigenous peoples play a key role in protecting cultural heritage and preserving unique ecosystems in their communities.

In this context, Her Excellency stressed that the State of Qatar attaches great importance to supporting women in these communities, strengthening their economic and social position and developing their leadership skills, while also providing an environment that respects and supports cultural heritage.

On achieving a balance between industrial development and preserving traditional lifestyles, Dr Hamda Al Sulaiti said the solution is to adopt comprehensive strategies that address the needs of modern development without compromising cultural identity and heritage.

She noted that Qatar’s vision in this area is based on the need to strengthen dialogue between government sectors and local communities to ensure that development projects are consistent with traditional values.

Referring to practices that could be replicated in other countries, she noted that educational programmes, activity plans and the development of programs aimed at empowering women in leadership and entrepreneurial projects can help increase their employability and support sustainable development efforts.

She stressed that these programmes must be rooted in local culture and highlight the role of women as guardians of national heritage and identity and leaders in the development of local communities.

At the end of her speech, Her Excellency Dr. Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti emphasized that the State of Qatar is committed to supporting initiatives that preserve cultural diversity and protect people’s rights, while at the same time enabling women to actively participate in sustainable development and heritage protection.

The session focused on the challenges women face in different societies due to globalization and geopolitical changes, the challenges related to preserving traditional knowledge, the role of women in transmitting these values ​​and protecting distinct ecosystems and cultures, and their role in achieving a balance between industrial development and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Her Excellency also participated in a roundtable held as part of the forum, which addressed the role of women in the field of artificial intelligence and its impact on their lives and opportunities in the labour market, with a particular focus on how to use this technology and address the challenges it brings.

In this context, Her Excellency stressed the importance of involving women in the field of artificial intelligence. She pointed out that the State of Qatar has taken serious steps to promote technology and innovation, with a special focus on empowering women so that they can effectively participate in building this future.

She praised Qatar’s initiatives to support women in technology, noting that women have a unique vision to tackle AI challenges that balances innovation and moral responsibility.

She highlighted that Doha hosted the Web Summit, the largest conference in the technology sector, which was attended by many prominent women, reflecting the important role of Qatari women in this field.

Her Excellency Dr Hamda Al Sulaiti addressed the potential threats that AI poses to women in the workforce, emphasising the need to develop policies that advance AI that serves humanity and protects the rights of all, including women.

The Eurasian Women’s Forum, which ends its work on Friday, aims to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between women from different Eurasian countries, focusing on strengthening the role of women in politics, economy, culture and sustainable development, as well as exchanging experiences and ideas on the challenges women face.

The conference also aims to support women’s empowerment by discussing policies and programmes that increase their leadership role and promote diversity and equality in various sectors.