
Dr. Gagan N. Jain – Arthritis and Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness, an unpleasant start to the day for many people, is often characterized by:

It is a common condition among people suffering from arthritis.

What causes morning stiffness?

Morning stiffness in arthritis occurs for various reasons, depending on the type of arthritis.

  • Inflammation leads to swelling, and when the joint remains immobile throughout the nightthe surrounding muscles and tissues tighten, causing pain and stiffness.

  • In the case of degenerative joint disease, limited joint mobility at night causes insufficient lubrication, which leads to stiffnessOnce a person gets up and starts moving, the joint receives the necessary lubrication, which usually relieves stiffness in 30 minutes or less.

  • In contrast, inflammatory types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis, cause morning stiffness caused by inflammation building up in the knee joint at nightnts, ​​peaking in the morning.

  • Additionally, In arthritis, the immune system attacks the lining of the joint, causing it to become inflamed and swollen.n. At night, lack of movement causes inflammatory materials to build up, which causes synovial fluid to build up in and around the joint, further increasing swelling and leading to pain and stiffness in the morning.

Treating Arthritis Flare-ups:

  • Arthritis often comes with periods of severe symptoms, known as flare-ups.

  • Particularly worrisome are episodes of morning stiffness, which can make starting the day a painful experience.

However, there are several strategies that can help reduce inflammation and minimize these episodes, allowing people with the condition to manage their symptoms more effectively.

Optimizing your sleep environment for warmth – Make sure your sleep environment is cozy and warm to help manage morning stiffness. Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature and use heating pads or electric blankets for extra warmth. Additionally, consider using heated gloves, such as microwave mittens, to quickly warm your hands and relieve stiffness.

Stretching and warming up – When you wake up stiff, take some time to do some gentle stretching. You can do this while you’re still in bed or after you get out of bed. Methodically stretch all your stiff joints, moving them through their full range of motion until they feel looser and your muscles are warm.

Use heat therapy – Applying heat to stiff muscles and joints stimulates blood flow, helping them relax and loosen up. You can take a warm shower or bath, apply warming ointments, soak your hands in warm water, or use warming compresses. Be careful not to overheat, especially in the case of inflamed joints.

Take gentle exercise – Once you’re moving, gentle exercise like yoga, tai chi, swimming, or a short walk can be very beneficial. These activities help relax your body and mind, preparing you for the day ahead.

Get a massage – A massage by you, your partner, or a professional can also help loosen up stiff muscles. Massages can provide significant relief and improve mobility.

Use assistive gadgets – For chronic stiffness, consider using gadgets that reduce the load on your joints and make everyday tasks easier. Items like jar openers, zippers, thick pens, walking aids, and swivel seats can all be helpful.

Consider Medication – Taking medication before bed can also reduce morning stiffness. Always consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting a new medication or changing your medication regimen.

Apply local treatment – Warming ointments, gels, sprays and creams applied directly to the skin can provide warmth and relief for stiff joints.

By using these strategies, you can better manage morning stiffness and increase comfort and mobility at the start of your day.

Published in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories LTD