
Young climate activists demand urgent energy plan revision and increased climate finance ahead of COP29

Young climate activists from Bangladesh have once again taken to the streets to demand an urgent revision of the Integrated Energy and Power Master Plan (IEPMP) and a greater focus on climate priorities in the run-up to COP29.

The climate strike, organised by YouthNet for Climate Justice, took place on Friday (20 September) in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka and highlighted the urgent need to halt financing of fossil fuels, accelerate investment in renewable energy and secure more climate finance from the international community.

Activists have criticized the current IEPMP for focusing on unproven and expensive technologies, arguing that such an approach could harm the economy and stifle the development of renewable energy.

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They stressed that the plan is not in line with broader climate goals and national climate strategies. Slogans and banners at the rally emphasized the urgent need to change energy policy to solve the climate crisis and accelerate the transition to clean energy.

Sohanur Rahman, Executive Coordinator of YouthNet for Climate Justice, emphasized the critical nature of their demands: “We are at a critical juncture. It is time to fundamentally overhaul our energy policies and fully commit to a just transition to renewable energy. The youth of Bangladesh are demanding immediate action to ensure a climate-resilient future. Our leaders must act decisively before it is too late.”

Aruba Faruque, a prominent young climate activist, added: “Our drive for a revised energy plan is about securing our future. We need a definitive transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and increased climate finance to support this transformation. The youth of Bangladesh call for urgent action from both our leaders and the global community to align with our climate goals.”

Dr. Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Research Director at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), supported the youth’s demands: “The new political leadership of Bangladesh is committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, we need to review the IEPMP, which currently strengthens the coal lock-in and delays the transition to renewable energy. An immediate review is crucial to align with the national climate goals and achieve a sustainable future.”

The climate strike also aimed to call on developed countries to deliver on their climate finance promises and avoid burdening the Global South with debt-based financing.

Activists have called on these countries to invest in renewable energy and end support for fossil fuels to limit the rise in global temperatures, in line with the Paris Agreement.

M. Zakir Hossain Khan, CEO of Change Initiative, addressed the need for effective climate finance: “Climate finance should not only address immediate challenges but also catalyze long-term resilience and conservation. In Bangladesh, investing in renewable energy is critical to building cost-effective resilience. We need to focus on direct grant-based climate finance to support solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, ensuring accessibility and sustainability.”

As the rally drew to a close, it became clear that this moment marked a turning point for the nation. The youth of Bangladesh send a powerful message to their leaders—they are watching and will not rest until the country’s energy policies reflect the urgent need for a climate-resilient, sustainable future.