
Combining AI, DePIN, and Web3 – A Discussion with Rock Zhang, Founder of Network3

The best case scenario is to leverage the combined power and value of emerging technologies. First and foremost, when it comes to areas like AI and Web3, which seem to be greatly expanding each other’s scope.

I had the pleasure of electing the founder of Network3, Zhang Rockbrains on the matter. We’ve covered how DePIN amplifies AI, how Network3 helps with that, and more. Let’s dive in.

Hi Rock. Share your journey with our readers to get started.

Sure. I’m Rock Zhang, founder of Network3. We’re building a dedicated Layer 2 AI solution based on a decentralized physical network architecture and a Web3 stack.

Previously, I founded Rock TechX to provide everyday users with access to a range of security and privacy tools such as Hotspot VPN, Unlimited Proxy, etc. I have also worked in various roles with well-known Web2 companies such as iHealth Labs, SocialBook, Anchorfree, and Qihoo 360.

I have a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, a master’s degree in internet marketing from Beihang University, and an executive MBA from the National University of Singapore. I also studied business at Stanford.

Helping build safe, secure, and fair digital systems is my mission. This led me to decentralized technology and physical architecture.

What is the importance of decentralized networks in the context of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, etc.?

According to McKinsey, over 72% of businesses worldwide use artificial intelligence to some extent. The State of Artificial Intelligence in Early 2024 report. It shows how AI can be one of the most widely adopted and integrated sectors after the Internet.

But currently about four to five big tech companies like OpenAI, IBM, Google, Amazon have monopolistic control over the evolution and narrative of AI. We know how dangerous this is from the history of Web2. The needs and interests of grassroots users, developers, will be completely bypassed if this continues.

Decentralized physical infrastructure like DePIN and efficient implementation of the broader Web3 stack are key to putting AI in the hands of the masses rather than elite corporations.

The future is tiny AI models that can run on edge devices. They will reduce the over-reliance on centralized structures, which is the source of all the security and privacy concerns that legacy AI faces.

By combining AI with decentralized blockchain-based networks, we will make enormous progress towards creating a transparent, user-centric, and inclusive digital ecosystem.

You say tiny AI models will run on edge devices. How will this work and why does it matter?

Great question. EdgeAI is the cutting edge of AI R&D. It’s about deploying and running AI models directly on devices like smartphones etc. This significantly reduces latency and improves response time as data is processed locally rather than in the cloud.

Localized computing is also great for reducing bandwidth requirements and increasing the privacy and security of AI systems in general. Using real-time data also makes the training process more efficient. AI tools can therefore become more accurate.

But that defeats the purpose if EdgeAI runs on proprietary, centralized hardware manufactured by corporations. You don’t get the privacy and security benefits of EdgeAI by running it on, say, Amazon’s Alexa.

Therefore, DePIN and EdgeAI are interdependent. From security to fair incentives or rewards for hardware providers, value creators, etc.

Combining AI, DePIN and Web3Combining AI, DePIN and Web3

Amazing! How is Network3 bringing this vision to life?

Network3 combines EdgeAI, DePIN, and Web3. We are building a globally distributed network of resources that AI developers can use to authenticate, anonymously process, and transfer data.

End users can contribute their device’s internet bandwidth, IP address, data sets, and computing power to our protocol to earn token rewards.

According to estimates, by the end of 2024 there will be over 200 billion smart devices in the world. some estimates. Instead of weapons of mass surveillance and manipulation, our mission is to transform them into value-creating physical assets.

AI developers and startups get a secure and cost-effective platform to build on their terms, without any centralized gatekeepers. They can prioritize user privacy and autonomy, leveraging Certificateless Signcryption (CLSC) and so on.

In addition to being an innovator, Network3 is also lowering the barriers to entry for end users. Getting a node up and running is super easy. You can get started in a few clicks and you don’t need any technical skills. This is key to wider adoption and usability.

That’s great. Tell us a little about the Network3 ecosystem.

Absolutely. We are fortunate to have a growing group of partners who share our vision of literally putting AI in everyone’s pocket.

To name a few, IoTex Mask, Particle, PredX, Inferix, and QuestN are some of the names. We recently partnered with SFT Protocol, for example, when Network3 node count exceeded 310K.

After selling out the first batch of N3 Edge V1 devices, we now have over 1,800 devices in the chain on the Network3 network and we are three best DePIN projects by earnings. This empowers AI developers and users in over 185 countries.

What’s next? For both Network3 and DePIN-AI in general.

Only forwards if you ask me.

We see strong adoption and participation from the community and that’s our biggest strength right now. Besides innovation.

When it comes to AI and DePIN, both sectors are quite strong. Currently, AI decentralized applications have over 29% market dominance according to DappRadar last reportThis puts them ahead of gaming as a catalyst for Web3 adoption.

The total market capitalization of DePIN’s top projects is also almost 18 billion dollars Already.

There is tremendous value being unlocked right now and we at Network3 are leading this movement along with our community, partners and peers.

Overall, I’m pretty optimistic about where things are headed. The tools to challenge and break up value-siphoning monopolies are already available.

Now it’s about putting them to good use so that grassroots actors can reap the benefits they’ve long been denied. That’s worth all the effort.