
Waltz, Moskowitz Introduce Bill to Expand Law Enforcement Access to DOD Equipment The Floridian

Executive Orders 13688 and 14074 tightened regulations on the sale of surplus equipment from the Department of Defense (DOD). Representatives Mike Waltz (R-FL) and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) introduced a bipartisan bill that would limit the effectiveness of these regulations by requiring congressional approval of their enforcement, which would allow law enforcement easier access to rescue equipment.

Appropriately titled the “Police Emergency Equipment Act of 2024,” the bill authored by Rep. Waltz and Rep. Moskowitz would prohibit enforcement of the provisions of these executive orders unless Congress authorizes their enforcement and safeguards against similar executive orders in the future.

For additional context, please see Executive Order 13688 signed by President Barack Obama in 2015 after unrest in Ferguson, Missouri over the death of Michael Brown sparked concerns that police were becoming “militarized.” The EO banned and tightened the issuance of certain types of surplus DOD equipment to law enforcement agencies through the 1033 program.

Executive Order No. 14074, introduced in 2022 In response to the death of George Floyd, the Biden administration has also sought to restrict law enforcement access to military equipment and the use of no-knock search warrants, as well as ban the use of chokeholds.

However, these regulations could have unintended consequences, as they could require police to have adequate equipment to conduct search and rescue operations, respond to emergencies and natural disasters, and respond to active shooter situations.

“Our law enforcement officers risk their lives every day to protect us, and they deserve the best tools available to do their jobs safely and effectively. The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 ensures that no executive order will ever again stand in the way of law enforcement officers getting the gear they need to protect themselves and our communities. It’s time to stand up for our police and make sure they have the resources they deserve,” said Rep. Waltz in his press release.

Similarly, Rep. Moskowitz said, “When we send police officers to protect and serve, it is critical that we provide them with adequate resources to keep themselves and our communities safe. I am pleased to be working in a bipartisan manner with Congressman Waltz to show support for law enforcement and provide them with vital life-saving equipment.”