
Promoting Responsible and Ethical AI Governance in Malaysia

The launch ceremony for the Artificial Intelligence Governance and Ethics Guidelines (AIGE) was held on 20 September 2024 at the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel.

AIGE is a framework designed to ensure the safe use of AI technology through compliance with the seven principles of responsible AI. These guidelines focus on three categories, which are end users (society), policy makers, and technology developers and providers. It is an important element in supporting the development and use of AI, as well as raising awareness and promoting compliance with responsible AI across the country, using the principles of “AI for Malaysia, AI for All”.

The opening address was delivered by YB Gobind Singh Deo, Minister for Digital Affairs.

YB Gobind Singh Deo spoke about the overall high acceptance of AI by Malaysians, stating that “According to Microsoft and LinkedIn’s 2024 Employment Trend Index report, 84% of knowledge workers in Malaysia use GenAI compared to the global average of 75%. At the same time, 88% of knowledge workers in Malaysia believe that every company must use AI, compared to the global average of 77%.

YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang emphasized the risks and importance of responsible and ethical use of AI.

“AI governance refers to the frameworks, policies and standards that govern how AI is developed, tested and used to avoid unethical risks such as bias in decisions, privacy violations or job loss due to automation. Meanwhile, AI ethics encompass moral considerations regarding the use of technology, ensuring that it is used for a good purpose, respects human rights and does not harm individuals or groups,” the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation said.

The ceremony was officially opened by YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Water Transformation.

“These guidelines are intended not only to provide a framework for users, decision-makers and providers of AI technology, but also to ensure that every step taken is in line with high ethical principles. This includes aspects of security, privacy, freedom and human rights that must be prioritized when using this technology,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The objectives of the AIGE national guidelines are:

  1. Support the implementation of the Malaysian National Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 2021-2025

  2. Facilitating the implementation of responsible AI in line with the 7 AI principles

  3. To build trust in AI, as emphasized by the concept of Responsible AI.

  4. Managing risks arising from the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies.

  5. Maximizing the benefits of artificial intelligence to increase national productivity, economic growth and competitiveness.

These Guidelines are designed to be used and addressed in three main categories:

  1. Category 1: End users – we explain their rights and responsibilities when using this technology, and enable them to make decisions using AI-based technologies and applications.

  2. Category 2: Government Policymakers, Agencies, Organizations, and Institutions – Helping policymakers manage the complexities of AI governance to achieve a balance between technological innovation, accountability, integrity, and AI risk mitigation. Not limited to the government sector, but can also be used as a guide in sectors that develop policies in a specific supply chain.

  3. Category 3: Developers, Designers, Technology Providers, and Suppliers – AI has revolutionized various sectors and industries. It is important for every industry entity to adopt responsible AI practices to demonstrate their commitment to ethical and constructive AI practices and public trust in the products and services they offer.

AI has generated significant debate due to its transformative potential across sectors and its impact on society as a whole. Its development and integration are critical to the nation’s efforts to drive economic growth, strengthen various socio-economic sectors, enhance national security, and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. While AI offers numerous benefits, such as expanding capabilities in various fields, concerns about its misuse are also growing among the public.

Given the evolving nature of the AIGE framework, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) encourages the creation of sector-specific AI guidelines to meet the unique needs of different industries. Acceptance and adherence to these guidelines will collectively advance AI in ways that support economic growth and social well-being. MOSTI calls on all stakeholders to join forces to promote responsible and ethical use of AI nationwide.

To read the national guidelines on AI governance and ethics, you can read them on the MOSTI website here:

This content is provided by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).

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