
Seven Ways to Simplify Your Life at 70

I looked forward to my 70th birthday because I would receive a monthly pension from the Government Service Insurance System. I imagined a quiet life with a monthly income and no need to go to work. However, being 70 in this fast-paced, technology-driven age also comes with its own set of challenges.

In this complicated world, I have realized the need to simplify certain aspects of my lifestyle, especially in seven areas: 1. Credit cards, which are essential conveniences that I cannot do without. I used to have five, but now I only have two: one for installment payments and one for regular reloads. I have never exceeded my credit limit, so I do not worry about not being able to pay. However, it is frustrating to keep track of when payments are due. Now that I only have two cards, I have simplified my payment pattern even more by registering installment payments using an electronic transfer app.

2. IT (Computer Science) Gadgets. Tech gadgets are supposed to make our lives easier with the click of a finger, but with so many gadgets that I thought I needed, it’s no longer fun or healthy. When I retired, I still bought a new laptop because I wanted to stay productive. I had two cell phones, one for each major network, and a tablet, as well as a portable landline. When I went out, I carried a large bag that got heavier because it held my power bank. I decided to streamline my phone usage by using only one network, getting a higher plan, and an iPad that I didn’t have to carry around. I canceled my cable subscription and now rely on the internet for entertainment.

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3. Passwords/PINs — You might think passwords are outdated and used primarily for spying? Today, passwords are your security and the gateway to almost every aspect of your tech-related life. Your password is your new alias, your secret identity, your PIN. IT pros advise you to keep your passwords to yourself and change them periodically. How easy is that to do when we’re plagued by senior moments and have little patience for such details? For my own security, I use a strong password, a very long one. When it comes to memorization, I use a permanent word-and-number code that comes with any IT source that requires a password.

4. Money — As a retiree, do I still worry about money? Yes, a lot! My pension doesn’t grow and its value decreases with inflation. So I worry about whether I’ll have enough to cover the inevitable medical emergencies or chronic illnesses that seniors get. Philippine Health Insurance Corp. benefits are just a drop in the ocean of hospitalization bills for a terrible illness. Money for emergencies should be readily available when you need it. That means I have to be liquid at all times. I’ve also limited the number of bank accounts I have to three to make saving easier. Most importantly, I’m limiting my investments. I’m worried about financial scams, and scammers often target older retirees. That’s why I avoid easy financial ventures, especially high-yield and low-income investment opportunities.

5. Monthly bills and annual contributions – Thanks to electronic transactions, I no longer go to banks or payment centers to pay monthly bills and annual contributions. I have scheduled two days a month: one for the due date from the 1st to the 15th and the other for the due date from the 16th to the 30th to make electronic payments or money transfers. This way I do not miss monthly payments. Another way to make payments easier is to save credit card accounts so that there is only one payment schedule, although not all subscriptions can be saved. However, my monthly utility bills are limited to the basic costs: water, electricity, internet and communication.

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6. Cleaning – I don’t need a housekeeper anymore. Having had enough of the hassle of having a maid, I switched to an on-call cleaning service once a week. It’s less drama to deal with unreliable maids. Besides, at 70 it’s unhealthy to be idle, so I do my own housework, like light laundry in the washing machine or food preparation. I send heavier laundry, like bedding, maong pants, trousers, etc. to the dry cleaners or pick them up at a trusted self-service laundromat.

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7. Organizing Records, Documents, and Other Stuff – When I retired, I brought home a lot of stuff from the office: personal records of years of government service and corporate work, mementos, framed certificates and plaques, unique award trophies, etc. I created a small corner for my mementos and property documents and financial transactions. This may be the most tiring and burdensome task I had to do after retirement. Fortunately, today’s technology offers options for managing important records and documents. Converting them to PDF and other formats and storing them in cyberspace or on gadgets is especially helpful for easy retrieval and safe storage, ruling out any cyberattack. As for the rest of the mementos and other stuff, I think I need to master the Marie Kondo method of decluttering. Haist!

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Ma. Nerissa Navarro-Piamonte is a human rights activist, retired civil servant, part-time professor, and freelance writer who recently turned 71.

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