
The cost of making a LiteWing DIY ESP32 drone is about $12

Circuit Digest’s LiteWing is an inexpensive DIY drone powered by an ESP32 module, using a custom PCB and off-the-shelf parts. It costs about 1,000 rupees, or $12 at today’s exchange rate.

The DIY ESP32 drone was designed as a low-cost alternative to more expensive DIY drones, which typically cost around $70. The result is a WiFi drone that fits in the palm of your hand and is controlled via WiFi using your smartphone. Interestingly, it does not contain any 3D-printed parts, as a circuit board forms the body of the device.

DIY: ESP32 DroneDIY: ESP32 Drone

Key Features and Components of the DIY ESP32 Drone

  • Wireless module – ESP32-WROOM-32 enabling WiFi control via smartphone.
  • Mass Storage – MicroSD Card Slot
  • Sensors – MPU6050 IMU for stability control.
  • Drive
    • 4 x 720 coreless motors
    • 2x 55mm A-type propeller (CW)
    • 2x 55mm B-type propeller (CCW)
  • USB – 1x USB-C port for charging and programming (via CP2102N)
  • Energy management
    • 1300mAh lithium-ion battery
    • TP4056 Lithium-Ion Charger IC
  • Custom all-in-one PCB that requires no 3D printed parts
  • Dimensions – This is complicated (see photo below).
inexpensive ESP32 drone PCBinexpensive ESP32 drone PCB
Bare PCB – some parts are cut out before use and serve as the drone’s legs.

The hardware design files (PDF schematics + BoM + Gerber files) and firmware code based on Espressif’s ESP-Drone implementation can be found on GitHub. The drone is designed to be controlled by a smartphone running an open-source Android or iOS app developed by Espressif and based on forks of the open-source Crazyflie nanocopter mobile app.

More details can be found in the announcement, and you can see the drone in action in the video below. You can also learn more about the design and challenges encountered during the project.

While you can build your own for about $12, Circuit Digest has launched a Kickstarter campaign offering the LiteWing as a $50 kit with the necessary components (plus a battery) and access to a detailed video tutorial, and a fully assembled drone for $60, ready to fly after you connect your own LiPo battery. Shipping is $2 to India and $20 to the rest of the world, and deliveries are expected to begin in November, right after the campaign ends. The crowdfunding campaign’s success has been limited at the moment, probably because similar ESP32 drones can be found on Aliexpress for about $40 with shipping…


Update: This article about the project was originally published on April 2, 2024 and updated after its Kickstarter launch under the name LiteWing

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