
Spike in phone thefts and fraud scams – FBC News

Spike in phone thefts (Source: roboticsbiz)

Fiji has seen a surge in criminal activity this year with increases in common offenses such as assault, burglary and theft, according to Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations ACP Livai Driu.

The rise, he says is being driven by prevalent crimes in society from physical altercations to theft of phones and other gadgets from homes.

ACP Driu says many assaults stem from personal arguments while theft particularly of mobile phones and electronics is becoming more widespread.

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To combat this, police have intensified operations, leading to numerous arrests and the recovery of stolen goods.

In addition to these traditional crimes, ACP Driu states that a significant factor behind the rise in offenses this year is the increase in scams particularly those involving mobile money platforms like M-PAiSA.

These scams often involve tricksters claiming they have mistakenly transferred money and requesting it be sent back.

“As we speak now, we have huge housing, informal and formal settlements within those two divisions and we’ve seen the increase in number of offenses. Overall offenses that are committed within. From 2024 compared to 2023.”

According to ACP Driu, these tactics have become more common, targeting unsuspecting individuals with on-time password scams and fraudulent online shopping transactions.

Fraud cases, including long-pending investigations have also contributed to the rise in crime.

Many of these cases, delayed for years due to the complexity of gathering evidence are now seeing progress.

ACP Driu points out that some fraud reports this year led to hundreds of charges in a single case, further pushing crime statistics upwards.

Drugs remain another key driver of crime, consistently topping monthly crime reports.

Police have ramped up arrests for drug possession, cultivation and trafficking as part of their ongoing mission to reduce the supply of drugs across the country.

Despite the challenges, ACP Driu assured the public that the police are managing the situation and maintaining control.

When asked which areas are most affected, Driu pointed to the Western and Southern divisions which have the highest populations and a mix of formal and informal settlements.

These divisions, from Sigatoka to Rakiraki and Serua to Nasinu have seen the most increases in criminal activity.

On fraud investigations, Driu explains that while delays were caused by the need for thorough investigation and information gathering, recent efforts have led to more arrests and charges.

He has cautioned Fijians to be cautious of deceptive schemes particularly as technology and gadgets make it easier for scammers to trap unsuspecting victims.

This year alone, 44 individuals have been charged with obtaining money through deception.

ACP Driu adds that the Fiji Police Force continues its efforts to bring criminals to justice while encouraging the public to remain vigilant against scams and fraud.