
Letter to the Editor from Meals on Wheels

Editor’s Note: The Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois Board of Directors sent this letter to History of the Round Table following the departure of the organization’s long-time executive director amid accusations of financial mismanagement.

Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois recently announced that Executive Director Deborah Mack has left the organization. The entire board thanked Deborah for her 10 years of service to Meals on Wheels NEI and the many communities served between Chicago and the Wisconsin border.

While this change may seem sudden, it was not taken lightly. The Board spent weeks thoroughly evaluating the direction of the effort, the commitment of staff and volunteers, and the commitment to the organization’s core mission – providing food and companionship to the elderly and homebound in our many communities.

The organization had been meeting fundraising goals, but expenses have risen much faster since the pandemic. Food costs, machine maintenance, and a growing gap in subsidized meals are all variables that strain operations and staff. To mitigate these elements, a change in direction was necessary—and a change in that direction’s stewardship became a priority.

The board is currently working closely with staff to ensure both service delivery and operations remain fluid as we interview candidates for the interim executive director position. Organizational leaders like Program Manager Spencer Harstead and Food Services Director Sam Landman—and their teams—are putting in extra energy to ensure the mission is fulfilled. We are also drawing on the experience and expertise of previous board members. It’s an all-hands-on-deck situation.

Of course, this means that our lifeblood—our volunteers—will continue their important role as well. We will maintain a high level of communication with volunteers and donors during these weeks of transition. This will include meeting on-site in the coming weeks to answer questions as best we can. It is imperative that we maintain trust that donations—whether time, dollars, or both—will continue to fuel our growth trajectory across all of our services.

Thank you!

Steve Johnson, Former President and Board Member, Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois