
Launch of the SPN ecosystem project

This week, we’re launching the SPN Ecosystem Project to track the influence and impact of diverse individuals and startups in Nebraska since the early 2000s. This multimedia series will combine archival SPN content with new reporting.

First, to explore the role of community events in ecosystem development.

At SPN, we have the opportunity to talk to Nebraska founders about their entry point into the startup ecosystem. Community events are a common way for people to first learn about the resources available to help them turn an idea into reality or take their business to the next level. They are also a vehicle for connecting with other current or aspiring entrepreneurs and potential funding sources.

Events have played a key role in the growth of the ecosystem since the very beginnings of Tweetups—when Twitter (now X) friends would get together to meet in real life, first BarCamp (2008) and Big Omaha (2009). Since then, the number and frequency of events have grown exponentially. And they’ve spread beyond Omaha and Lincoln to other parts of the state.

Today, events like 1 Million Cups, Silicon Prairie Startup Week, and dozens of other regular meetups across Nebraska continue to strengthen and connect the Nebraska startup community. Stay up-to-date with stories, interviews, and archives connecting startup events and community builders from years gone by to the present.

Now SPN wants to hear from you! What events have had a significant impact on you as a founder or member of the Nebraska startup community? Who are some Nebraskans who have inspired or influenced your startup journey? Who are the mentors passing it on to the next generation?

Send us a message at [email protected] and tell us who you think we should talk to about this project!