
The agriculture sector reflects the development of the nation – Opinion

A farmer drives a combine harvester in Weicheng district of Weifang city, east China’s Shandong province, June 5, 2024. (Photo/Xinhua)

China has contributed far more than any other country to reducing world hunger. Thanks to rapid agricultural and economic reforms over the past four decades, China has made significant progress in reducing hunger. By tackling domestic hunger, Beijing achieved its Millennium Development Goals of halving the number of hungry people between 2000 and 2015 and helped reduce the global number of hungry people by two-thirds.

In terms of food supply, China stabilized food production many years ago. Since 2012, grain production in this country has exceeded 600 billion kilograms, and in 2023, grain production will reach a new record of 695 billion kg, and the per capita share is 490 kg, which is 22.5% more than the international food security limit ( 400 kg). .

Moreover, China is 95% self-sufficient in grains, with the share of rice and wheat, the two main food staples, being 100%. The production of vegetables, fruit, meat and aquatic products also increased significantly. As a result of the diversification of food production, accompanied by an increase in income, people’s eating habits have also changed. Nowadays, people focus more on quality and consume more vegetables, fruits, eggs, water and dairy products.

How did China achieve this success?

The development of agriculture and the increase in food production can be divided into four stages. The first stage lasted from 1949 to 1977. When the People’s Republic of China was established in 1949, the country faced many challenges. Total grain production was only 113 billion kg, and the share of grain per capita was 208.9 kg. During this period, China focused on increasing grain production.

The second stage lasted from 1978 to 2014. Reforms and opening-up, in particular the introduction of a household production responsibility system, dramatically increased grain production and supply, with grain per capita crossing the global food security line in 2012. After joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China’s food supply became more diversified despite moderate increases in imports.

The third stage covered the years 2015–2021. While ensuring a stable food supply, the government has made protecting natural resources and the environment a priority. As a result, in 2015 the government introduced a “double reduction” policy to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides. During this period, there were significant improvements in the quality and safety of food products and the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices.

The ongoing fourth phase, which began in 2022, during the XX. The 2022 National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed the importance of establishing a diversified food supply system based on the concept of “big food”. Over the years, people’s food consumption and preferences have diversified towards a balanced and nutritious diet. The government has introduced various policies, leveraged technological innovations and made significant investments in various sectors to meet people’s ever-growing demand for food.

Food security has always been a priority for China. The 2013 Food Security Policy assumes “self-reliance, country-focus, ensuring production capacity, moderate imports and technological support”, and the 2023 Central Document No. 1 emphasizes the need to “establish a big food concept and accelerate the construction of a diversified food supply system food”.

When it comes to technological innovations, they cover many areas, including plant protection, disease prevention and control, precision farming, object farming, agricultural machinery and equipment, and ecological development.

Tax and agricultural subsidy reforms also played an important role in ensuring food security. On January 1, 2006, China abolished the 2,600-year-old agricultural tax, relieving farmers and contributing to the modernization of agriculture and the development of the rural economy. In 2016, China integrated high-quality crop seed subsidies, direct subsidies for grain farmers, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural inputs into a single support and protection system, leading to a more effective and targeted agricultural support system.

China’s investment in agriculture covers several key aspects, including animal and plant breeding and cultivation, seed industry, ecological development of agriculture and rural areas, innovation in agricultural technology, training of agricultural and rural talents, construction of rural infrastructure, including the construction of digital villages and the promotion smart agriculture. According to the National High-Standard Agricultural Land Construction Plan (2021-2030), China will build high-standard agricultural land on a large scale through fiscal investment and social capital participation in the coming decade.

Countries around the world face similar food security challenges, from climate change to resource degradation, extreme weather events and malnutrition. Population pressures on many countries increase the impact of these challenges on food security, especially as opportunities to mitigate and adapt to climate change are limited. Therefore, China’s experience in this area provides important lessons for other countries.

The right order and setting the right priorities are important. Since the Chinese were completely dependent on the agricultural sector at an early stage, China’s reforms, starting with agriculture, ensured that the majority of the population benefited from them. The reform and development of the agricultural sector created conditions for the development of the manufacturing and service sectors, which managed to significantly reduce poverty and hunger in the country.

Establishing a diversified food supply system based on the concept of “big food” is how China is helping to transform the global food system. This approach requires moving away from high dependence on agricultural land in favor of comprehensive use of the potential of forests, meadows, rivers, lakes, seas and the food industry.

Optimizing dietary patterns to ensure nutritional health and environmental protection is another important policy direction. Increasing consumption of whole grains, fruits and soy products, and reducing consumption of ultra-processed foods, refined grains and red meat can play a significant role in facilitating this transformation.

Fan Shenggen is dean of the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy and professor at China Agricultural University. Meng Ting is an associate professor at the School of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University.

The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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