
The aim of the policy is to increase employment opportunities

Students attend a job fair at Tsinghua University in Beijing, the capital of China, March 15, 2024. (Photo/Xinhua)

China has emphasized high quality and full employment of people as it devotes more resources to optimizing talent creation systems, incubating new industries and improving employment services, aiming to provide more equitable and effective access to employment opportunities.

The State Council and China’s cabinet recently released guidelines for developing high-quality employment, which include 24 detailed measures including adapting the education system, incubating new industries, and protecting workers’ rights and benefits.

Under the guidelines, local authorities are committed to creating more high-quality employment opportunities by modernizing traditional industries and supporting new industries such as manufacturing, modern services and modern agriculture to attract more people to work in these sectors.

The development of the platform economy, green economy and silver economy was also highlighted as these sectors have huge potential to generate employment opportunities.

Pang Shi, director of the employment and entrepreneurship department of the Chinese Academy of Personal Sciences, said the high-quality employment highlighted in the guidelines is consistent with the country’s high-quality socio-economic development and technological progress.

“Workers in high-quality jobs typically receive reasonable pay increases following periods of economic growth, and their professionalism and work ability can be improved through better training and technological advances,” she said, adding that workers’ relationships with employers and their safety could be fully improved. will be assured of high-quality employment and will enjoy stronger protection of their rights.

In accordance with the guidelines, the government will optimize both the higher education and vocational education systems.

The policy document required colleges and universities to increase student enrollment in science and agriculture and health care disciplines, and colleges and universities are encouraged to improve curricula based on real workforce and industry needs.

In addition, graduates’ employment prospects will be treated as a key standard in assessing the quality of teaching in a given field and future recruitment plans, and disciplines with poor performance will be assessed.

Vocational training and flexible working are highlighted as key areas for creating employment opportunities. The guidelines said more skills training centers would be set up and companies would be encouraged to open vocational schools to meet market demand.

He also called for the removal of unjustified restrictions on workers’ mobility and the elimination of discrimination in the workplace based on social status, gender or age. It ordered improvements to pay mechanisms and measures to combat illegal employment practices such as wage arrears and unfair dismissals.

An employment monitoring system and a crisis response mechanism for mass unemployment will be created.

“Quality employment provides individuals with sufficient employment opportunities, fair pay, a good working environment and promising career prospects, as well as social benefits and employment rights. It promotes work-life balance and emphasizes job quality because job quality brings workers “benefits and a healthier development of the nation,” said Guo Sheng, president and CEO of recruitment portal Zhaopin.