
Vince McMahon Tells People Who Want To Retire ‘Go Die’

Netflix producers Mr. McMahon the docuseries interviewed Vince McMahon in 2021, a year before the hush-hush monetary payment story broke, which ultimately led to a human trafficking lawsuit in January 2024 and forced him to completely retire from TKO/WWE.

In episode six of the documentary, Vince is asked (in 2021) if he will ever retire from running WWE. Here is his answer:

“Do I ever see myself retiring? No, I don’t see myself ever retiring. I never understood why people stop growing. When you stop growing, you die.

Some people say, “I want to retire one day.” What will you do when you retire? I have no sympathy for such people. So go die.

This quote from McMahon is followed by several wrestlers such as Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and John Cena who are adamant that Vince will never retire. Booker T claims that it would take a “nuclear bomb” to cause McMahon to retire, and that’s basically what happened and he finally quit.

I’m not going to stoop to Vince’s disturbing level and tell him to die, but here’s some advice from Tony Schiavone on what happened when this caught my attention:

“If I were Vince McMahon and I had that much money, you know what I would do? I would just disappear completely. Disappear. Take your money and buy a yacht in the Caribbean and stay there.

What are we doing here? It’s over. You won. You have all the money. You got all the fame. You had a wonderful life. Now just relax, enjoy it and stay away from everything. That’s what I would do, disappear completely…

I would disappear from public life forever. What is he trying to achieve? I don’t know what he’s trying to achieve here. Is he trying to clear his name, which will never happen? Just enjoy life.”

I don’t think Vince can just disappear given all of his major legal issues at the moment, but I generally agree that the world would be a much better place if Vince McMahon just walked away and never came back.

What do you think of Vince’s bizarre approach to retirement? Let me know in the comments below, Cagesiders?