
The US circumvents its own laws to arm Israel and enable war crimes

The Biden administration has approved another $8.7 billion military aid package for Israel as war crimes in Gaza now extend to Lebanon. By doing so, the administration is ignoring U.S. regulations designed to govern such aid. Bypassing regulations imposing conditions on military aid led to the resignation of several U.S. State Department officials. This new aid package emboldens Netanyahu to escalate the war, freely using US bombs in Lebanon to continue the massacres.

Under U.S. law, the Secretary of State is required to report to Congress on the use of U.S. military assistance as required by law. In his last report to Congress earlier this year, Secretary Antony Blinken concluded that there were no violations that would require a halt to weapons shipments to Israel. But draft reports from State Department units suggested otherwise.

Stacy Gilbert, a senior official at the Office of Population, Refugees and Migration, resigned in protest, saying Blinken’s report to Congress contradicted internal findings. Both USAID and the Bureau were responsible for assessing the legal use of U.S. military assistance. According to their drafts, Israel violated several conditions and recommended the suspension of arms supplies.

Last week, ProPublica published a detailed report on internal conflicts within the State Department over arms shipments to Israel. Documents released by ProPublica exposed the events that led to the resignation of Gilbert and others. These documents, including a 17-page memo sent to Blinken, described how Israel obstructed humanitarian aid, bombed ambulances and hospitals, and confiscated medical supplies and food.

ProPublica also obtained internal emails showing that the Office of Population, Refugees and Migration Affairs has requested sanctions against Israel under the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act for blocking aid. A cable from US ambassador to Israel Jack Lew urged Blinken to trust Netanyahu’s war cabinet, despite the prevailing realities.

USAID has repeatedly reported that Israeli forces promised to pass on aid but never followed through. In one case, a humanitarian convoy authorized by Israeli forces was turned away at a checkpoint. As the convoy withdrew, Israeli soldiers opened fire, killing two aid workers.

ProPublica’s report goes into more detail, but for those paying attention, the truth is clear. In his resignation statement, Gilbert declared: “Everything in this report is wrong.” Blinken intentionally misled Congress. Another question is whether Congress would have acted differently if it had known the truth. Few Democrats, and even fewer Republicans, expect the U.S. Congress to halt arms shipments to Israel.

Ultimately, it was the Americans who were deceived. They are footing the bill for an endless supply of weapons that give Israel a license to kill with impunity. Congress may feel reassured by hearing what it wants to hear, but until the voice of the American public prevails over the voice of the Israel lobby and the military-industrial complex, this shameful situation will likely continue.