
Unlock iOS 18 Secrets: 35+ Features You Need to Know

iOS 18

iOS 18 introduces a host of new features and improvements to many apps and settings, all aimed at improving user experience and improving functionality. From significant camera improvements to iMessage improvements and accessibility improvements, this update is packed with exciting changes. The video below from Brandon Butch breaks down the key features of iOS 18 and how they can change the way you interact with your device.

Camera improvements

iOS 18 takes your photography to the next level with impressive camera improvements. A noteworthy addition is the ability to change portrait lighting directly in photo mode, giving you more control over the atmosphere and mood of your photos. Say goodbye to cumbersome menu navigation – with the new quick toggle feature, you can navigate seamlessly to selfie camera using the control button, so you’ll never miss a moment.

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search, the powerful iOS search tool, becomes even more accessible and powerful in iOS 18. Dedicated abbreviation now allows you to launch a Spotlight search directly from the action button, saving you valuable time. What’s more, the Shortcuts app introduces a new action designed specifically for search, making it easier than ever to find what you need and streamline your workflow.

Control Center

Access to key controls is now simple with the update Control Center in iOS 18. With the action button, you can quickly invoke Control Center, putting all your frequently used settings and switches at your fingertips. This intuitive enhancement gives you the ability to quickly adjust settings without interrupting your current task.

iMessage improvements

iOS 18 brings many exciting improvements to iMessage, elevating your messaging experience. You can now send images at incredible speeds 100MB in full resolution, so your photos will retain their amazing quality when shared with friends and family. By entering a message schedule, you can write text messages even when your phone is turned off or in airplane mode, and they will be sent automatically when connectivity is restored. Customization appearance of links in message threads adds a personal touch to your conversations. Plus, you can now send stickers and emoticons in the same message, allowing for more expressive and engaging communication.


iOS 18 shows Apple’s commitment to inclusion by expanding accessibility features. Users now have the option to stop flashing cursorproviding greater comfort for people who experience distractions. Additionally, the new setting allows you to interrupt Siri mid-sentence, giving you more control over your interactions with the virtual assistant. The goal of these improvements is to make iOS more useful and accessible to all users, regardless of their specific needs.

  • Change portrait lighting in photo mode for better control over your images
  • For convenience, you can quickly switch to the selfie camera using the control button
  • New shortcut to launch Spotlight search from action button
  • Control Center can be invoked via the action button for faster access
  • Send images up to 100MB in full resolution in iMessage
  • Schedule messages to send even when your phone is turned off or in airplane mode
  • Customize the appearance of links in message threads and send stickers and emojis together
  • Stop the blinking cursor and interrupt Siri mid-sentence with your new accessibility settings

Maps application

Navigating with Maps in iOS 18 is now more efficient and user-friendly. The app offers an improved search functionality based on the current area, eliminating the need for automatic re-search. This means you can explore your surroundings and find relevant points of interest without the app constantly updating search results, saving you time and effort.

Voice memos

iOS 18 brings significant improvements to the Voice Memos app, making it more versatile and convenient. You can now continue recording even when your phone is locked, so you won’t miss any important audio moments. Editing recordings becomes easy thanks to the ability to replace specific words or sentences, allowing for precise modifications. Additionally, you can add voice memos to the lock screen for quick access, so you can start recording or playing your notes with one tap.

Photos app

The Photos app in iOS 18 offers improved organizing and editing capabilities. You can now easily add or remove albums in foldersgiving you more control over the structure of your photo library. The app also introduces adaptive copy to photo editing, intelligently adjusting edits based on image content. When adding new photos, you will be asked to add them to your most recently used albums, which will streamline the process of organizing your photos.

Widgets and home screen

iOS 18 takes home screen customization to a new level. You can now convert apps to widgets directly from the home screen, allowing quick access to the most important information. It’s also possible to create custom connectivity widgets, allowing you to monitor your device’s connection status or data usage directly from the home screen. These improvements provide a more personalized and informative experience.

  • Improved area-based search in Maps without automatic re-search
  • Voice memos are recorded even when the phone is locked
  • Replace words and sentences in voice memo recordings and add voice memos to the lock screen
  • Add or remove albums in folders in the Photos app
  • Adaptive copy for photo editing and prompts to add photos to recently used albums
  • Convert apps to widgets directly from your home screen and create custom connectivity widgets

Music and podcasts

Music lovers will appreciate the ability to delete multiple songs from a playlist in the Music app at once, making playlist management more efficient. For podcast lovers, iOS 18 introduces a handy feature in the Podcasts app that allows you to share podcasts starting from a specific timestamp. This means you can easily share the exact moment you liked or sparked discussion on your podcast.

Books application

The Books app in iOS 18 is getting a small but significant update. You now have the ability to customize margins while reading, providing a more comfortable and customizable reading experience. Whether you prefer wider or narrower margins, you can customize the app to suit your preferences and enhance your reading experience.

Settings and navigation

Navigating the Settings app becomes more efficient in iOS 18 settings search bar now displays recent tracks, allowing quick access to previously visited settings pages. This feature saves you time and effort when you need to re-check a specific setting or configuration.

Phone and file applications

The Phone app in iOS 18 introduces support Dialing a T9 numbera nostalgic feature that allows you to enter numbers using a traditional keyboard layout. This add-on is intended for users who prefer the familiarity of T9 dialing. In the Files app, you can now save files for offline use, so you can access important documents even when you’re not connected to the Internet.

Passwords and calendar

iOS 18 improves password management by allowing you to share logins with Apple logins with groups, making it easier to collaborate and share access to specific accounts. The Calendar app introduces a new gesture, pinch to change calendar view size. This intuitive interaction allows you to quickly switch between different calendar views and adjust the level of detail displayed.

  • Delete multiple songs from a playlist in the Music app at once
  • Share podcasts starting at a specific timestamp in the Podcasts app
  • Adjust the margins in the Books app for a better reading experience
  • Access recent tracks from the settings search bar for efficient navigation
  • Support for T9 dialing in the Phone app and saving files offline in the Files app
  • Share groups with Apple logins and pinch to resize the calendar view

Background sounds

iOS 18 expands its collection of background sounds with two new options: night AND fire. These soothing sounds can help create a calming atmosphere, promote relaxation or provide a subtle atmosphere while working or relaxing. With more options available, you can personalize your audio environment to suit your mood and preferences.

Home application

For people with a smart home configuration, iOS 18 introduces the ability to change default settings home center in the Home app. This feature gives you more control over which device serves as the central hub for your connected home accessories, allowing you to optimize your smart home ecosystem according to your needs.

External drives

The Files app in iOS 18 now supports formatting external drivesextending its capabilities beyond simple file management. This means you can directly format and manage external storage devices from your iOS device, providing a convenient way to prepare drives for use or troubleshoot storage issues on the go.


iOS 18 includes many additional features that improve the overall experience:

  • Adjust the frame rate and playback speed in the camera app for more creative control
  • Enjoy unlimited space in the calculator app, eliminating any limitations in complex calculations
  • Use the math notes feature for quick calculations and conversions
  • Feel the effect of gradual fading when you turn off the flashlight, adding a touch of elegance
  • Display the time on your dead phone so you always have access to the current time

These various features demonstrate Apple’s attention to detail and commitment to providing a comprehensive and user-friendly experience in iOS 18.


iOS 18 is a feature-packed update that brings significant improvements and improvements to various aspects of the iOS ecosystem. From camera improvements and iMessage improvements to accessibility features and home screen customization, this update offers a wide range of tools and options to enhance your iOS experience. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast, an avid communicator, or someone who values ​​personalization and productivity, iOS 18 has something to offer. Take advantage of these new features and unlock the full potential of your iOS device, making your digital life more intuitive, enjoyable and productive.

Image credit and credit: Brandon Butch

Filed Under: Apple, Apple iPhone, Top news

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