
Take breathtaking photos of waterfalls with your iPhone

Waterfall photos

Taking stunning waterfall photos with your iPhone is easier than you think. Using hidden Live photo With this feature, you can simulate long exposure times and create beautiful flowing water effects without the need for expensive equipment or advanced photography skills. The iPhone Photography School video below walks you through the steps and techniques to achieve the best results, helping you take your iPhone photography to the next level.

Exploration and preparation

Before you start shooting, it is important to double check your location. Waterfalls can often be found in remote areas, and cell service can be unreliable. To ensure smooth shooting, consider the following preparation tips:

  • Download reference photos and maps of the area in advance to help you navigate and find the best viewpoints.
  • Consult locals or park rangers for valuable information on the best places and times to photograph the waterfall.
  • Pack essential gear like a sturdy tripod, extra batteries, and a waterproof case to protect your iPhone from the elements.

Photographic techniques

When photographing waterfalls, composition is the key to creating visually striking images. Here are some techniques to keep in mind:

  • Simplify your photos by focusing on a visible subject, such as the waterfall itself or a unique rock formation in the foreground.
  • Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth and interest to your photos.
  • Cloudy lighting is ideal for photographing waterfalls because it reduces harsh contrasts and improves the overall mood of the photos.
  • Take advantage of rule of thirds to create balanced and visually attractive compositions.

Using Live Photo with long exposures

The Live photo feature on iPhone is key to capturing the effect of flowing water without having to use a traditional long exposure. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open the iPhone camera app and activate Live photo mode by tapping the circular icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Mount your iPhone on a tripod or find a stable surface to avoid blurring static elements in your photo.
  3. Frame your shot and hold your iPhone steady while pressing the shutter button.
  4. After taking the photo, open the file Photos app and select the live photo you just took.
  5. Swipe up on the image to view Movables options, then select the “Long Exposure” effect to transform your live photo into a stunning long exposure photo.

Advanced tips

Although Live Photo is a powerful tool for taking photos of waterfalls, it has some limitations. The resolution is lower compared to standard photos, and the duration of the long exposure effect is relatively short. If you want to take your waterfall photography to the next level, consider these advanced tips:

  • Use specialized photography apps that offer manual controls and advanced features for capturing long exposures with your iPhone.
  • Experiment with neutral density filters to reduce the amount of light entering the iPhone’s lens, allowing longer exposure times and smoother water effects.
  • Process your photos with editing apps to adjust exposure, contrast and color settings for the best results.


By following the steps below and using the hidden features of your iPhone, you can take breathtaking photos of waterfalls that rival those taken with professional cameras. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to create stunning images that showcase the beauty and power of nature, all from the convenience of your iPhone.

Image credit and credit: iPhone Photography School

Filed Under: Apple, Apple iPhone, Guides

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